Spiritual Growth



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  • $2.00

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    Have you ever stopped to think that Jesus invited us to study little things? A little prayer moved Him more than a long one did. “Lord Save Me”, “Lord Remember Me”, “What Would You Have Me Do?”. These moved His heart far more than the prayers of the Pharisee with their endless repetitions.

  • $35.00

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    “These sermons first appeared in some old periodicals back in the 1940’s, ’50’s and the ’60’s. A lady cut them out and gave them to Dr. Telford back in the early ’70’s. He immediately gave them to me, and I stored them away, forgetting all about them. Some 30 years later, I ran across the box that contained these messages while I was looking for some other material. Realizing that young pastors would benefit from these sermons, I decided to put some in print…I pray that the Lord will use these sermons to bless countless souls as they are used to bring glory to His name.”

    Author Andrew Telford

  • $3.59

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    Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911) did not have an easy life. Of her seven children, only three lived to adulthood. Her husband was unfaithful. And as a woman in ministry, she fought an uphill battle. In spite of, and perhaps because of, her difficult circumstances, she was able to advise Christians how to live a happy life through a close relationship with the perfect Parent, Savior, Protector, and Friend. Her words still ring true today for all Christians struggling to find joy.

    The inspiring message of A Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life reveals the profound secret of true happiness. The wise counsel of this beloved author will nurture and strengthen your faith, your consecration, and your obedience to the will of God. You can be free of doubt, fear, insecurity, depression, temptation, failure, and much more.

  • $14.95

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    Life’s demands are sometimes hard to bear. Meet them head-on with a “daring faith.” Hundreds of pearls of wisdom harvested from the 46 books written by Dr. Lee Roberson can be of extreme value. The practical, down-to-earth counsel of this giant of the faith is easily understood and applied to our daily lives. The Scriptures that accompany the quotations, and give them Biblical authenticity, were added by Lindsay Terry, the compiler.

  • $3.95

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    Claiming God’s grace during a season of suffering

  • $6.95

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    This series of lectures preached and taught in 1949 to a Southern Baptist Church urging them to “HOLD THAT LINE;” to stay with the Baptist distinctives; to not falter from the truths of the Word of God is as needed in our Baptist Churches today as it was back then.

  • $4.00

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    Before a man becomes a Christian he has many false ideas about God’s way of salvation. These errors frequently prevent seekers coming to Jesus Christ and trusting him wholly.

  • $4.95

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    Discover the ten words in Scripture that make the difference for those who desire to live fully for Jesus Christ.

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    Emerging Victorious through Trials

  • $10.00

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    A Treatise on the Blood of Christ

  • $1.50

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    Find The Answer To Life’s Most Pressing Question

  • $7.99

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    The plans and blueprints of all God’s work begin with Himself. However, the implementing of those plans involves people. The “Desert House” in one such example. God commanded and Moses executed those instructions. Blessing followed as God’s glory filled that special house in the desert.

    It cannot be overemphasized the teaching of the cross and the centrality of the Saviour and this is what Sam Carson does as he opens up and teaches the meaning of, and the underlying reason for, God’s “Desert House.”

  • $4.95

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    What does the Bible say about drinking?

  • $6.99

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    After numerous reprints of the original, Myron Houghton brings the topic of the charismatic movement into the 21st century with his explanation of more recent developments in the movement and up-to-date bibliographic support.

    This book will help you understand the charismatic movement from a Biblical standpoint and will answer questions you may have about the temporary nature of some spiritual gifts.

  • $6.99

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    Discover the life-changing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As God’s divine power flows into your heart and permanently transforms your life, you will excel to new heights in your Christian maturity and experience!

  • $12.95

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    A look at True Biblical Faith through Great Statements of Faith by New Testament Characters.

    Paperback, 264 Pages, 10 Chapters

    Bob Sanders

    Sonlight on…

    Son Rise Publishing


  • $13.95

    1 in stock

    The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

    Author Lance Ketchum

  • For those that want a close relationship with God, Charles Spurgeon discusses what God has promised wholehearted seekers in His Word. He also details the misconceptions concerning the process of seeking the Lord and points seekers to the following:

    • God’s promises are always fulfilled
    • What it means to be a seeker
    • The joy of finding God
    • The eternal rewards of seeking and finding
    • When to stop seeking
  • $2.95

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    Establishing Biblical Direction For New Christians

  • $7.19

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    God’s Benefit Plan Some of the most comforting words a Christian could possibly hear from God are, “I want to bless you.” Christ’s teaching shows us that we can come to Him as we are–in need, mourning, oppressed, or hungering–and He will bless us.

  • $9.95

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    This book is basically divided into three parts: The refuting of defeatism, which will create new hope and faith in today’s believers. The reestablishing of God’s mandate to develop a vibrant base in training spirit-filled workers. The clear steps in the spiritual exercise which must be followed for revival. These practices are: • Spirit-filled, compassionate preaching • Periods of fasting and praying by God’s people • A rededication to the Lord’s day as God’s day

  • $4.19

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    God has good gifts for you. He is the source of all blessing, all encouragement, and all comfort. Discover his gifts and how you can rely on Him.

  • $4.79

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    God Keeps His Word

  • $3.59

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    In this book, you will capture a new vision of your mission in life. You will discover that you were created to do great things for God and learn to walk in immense power from Him to fulfill His calling in your life!

  • $11.99

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    You have inherited thousands of God’s promises, and you don’t have to do a thing to earn them. Charles Spurgeon discusses many of the provisions God has made for all of His children, including everlasting life, spiritual guidance, and unshakable faith. Discover a wonderful security, peace, and richness in your life.

  • $0.75

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  • $10.99

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    Forget the image of the Devil in a red suit carrying a pitchfork. Here is a very real portrait of a very real enemy, Satan. The Bible depicts the Devil as a being of cunning intelligence who is out to derail your faith and your life. Read this book for your own protection so that you can recognize and defeat the strategies of the Devil.

  • $9.99

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    The James A. Stewart Library Volume 1

  • $1.50

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    Self control does not work because it is centered around SELF. God has to be in complete control, not self.

  • $8.99

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    Ryle’s devotional classic has inspired generations of believers since it was first published in 1879. In this slimmed-down version of his master work, excerpts examine such pivotal topics as sin, sanctification, the work of Christ, spiritual growth, the church, and more to challenge a new generation to live a holy life.

  • $13.95

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    Every person has faced, is facing, or will face trials in life. But even in his darkest hour, the Christian has the assurance that there is always hope in Christ! Hope in Troubled Times is a powerful book that challenges every child of God to look to the Savior, rise above his hardships, and conquer them with the Lord’s strength.

  • $4.95

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  • $9.99

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    When Jesus “made himself nothing … taking the nature of a servant,” He modeled for all believers true humility. Murray calls this “our true nobility” and “the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” In twelve brief but powerful chapters, Murray journeys through Scripture and Christ’s life, underscoring the utmost need for humility—as opposed to pride—in the Christian’s life. With insightful, penetrating clarity, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with His grace. Often called the best work on humility ever written.

    Author Andrew Murray

  • $12.95

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    For over a century countless readers have found in Andrew Murray a trustworthy guide to the deeper Christian life. As a pastor, evangelist, educator, and writer driven by concern for the spiritual guidance of new converts–and for revival in long-time believers–Murray penned some of the most enduring devotional classics of Christian literature. Though he ministered in a deeply-divided nation, his vision seemed blind to race, class, or political persuasion. And from a remote corner of South Africa, his preaching, teaching, and writing would eventually fuel spiritual awakening with a worldwide impact.

    This edition pairs Humility and Absolute Surrender in one volume. Together these classics reflect Murray’s longing for a closer walk with Christ, and call us to a life of holiness and virtue, empowered not by our own strength but by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

  • $3.95

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    Defeating the Root of Pride and Discovering the Grace of God

  • $13.95

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    Expository Studies Through the Epistle of James

    Author Lance Ketchum

  • $2.00

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    “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

  • $2.50

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    Dr. Lloyd-Jones spent the greater part of the turbulent twentieth century in preaching the Word of God. The convictions with which he began his ministry remained with him, and in all this time the message was the same. He preached on the words, ‘For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified’ at the commencement of his ministry in 1926, and again, from the same pulpit, in February 1977. So the sermon contained in this booklet is a historic statement. But it is more. It is a persuasive presentation of the unchanging gospel which has brought salvation to people all over the world throughout the two millennium now ended, and which remains just as vitally relevant as the new millennium begins to unfold.

  • $4.19

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    In “Jesus Rose for You”, Charles Spurgeon delves into the truth of the Resurrection and its importance to the Christian faith, revealing to readers what it means to be raised with Christ.

  • $17.00

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    The story of Joseph as recorded in the book of Genesis is a vital part of salvation history. Through this one man God kept alive the family from which Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world would be born. It is a glorious story and the one that David Searle tells in his new book.

  • $14.00

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    When asked why he never wrote a book, John ( Rabbi ) Duncan (1796-1870) replied, ‘I cannot write, I m just a talker.’ Duncan had a genius for expressing profound thoughts in brief epigrammatic sayings. What I have sought to do in these pages is take the aphorisms of his conversations, as recorded in several original sources and present them here in one book, believing that they will greatly enrich the hearts and minds of all who read them.

    The amount of clear thought packed into these pages is altogether out of proportion to their number. Duncan’s sayings have a near unique combination of depth and brevity. He exemplified the standard he expected of other: ‘I would advise everyone to be very careful to use no more words than are necessary to express thought. Whenever a man becomes cloudy in his words, be sure that his thought has become shadowy too.’ On Duncan’s death, William Knight remarked, ‘With him has perished a breathing library of wisdom.’

  • $7.95

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    Does it seem to you that Satan is getting the upper hand in your life, your home, your church and in your nation? How can this be? “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world;” right? Jesus warned us that we would face powerful devils that can only be overcome by prayer and fasting! This book explains the importance of fasting with prayers, how to do it effectively, and why it works. You need to read this book today!

  • $3.95

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    Relationships are vital to the work of God. And the relationship between a pastor and a church member deserves special emphasis.
    In God’s design, this relationship is one of unified partnership toward a common goal. It is a relationship of synergy and unity, leadership and accountability, faith and friendship.
    In these pages, discover the roles of this relationship and how you can labor with your pastor in the work of the Lord.

  • $10.99

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    What is the purpose of our lives? God’s design is that he might be glorified and that those he has chosen might be saved to have abundant life. The life of faith is lived in the light of this truth: so that Christians must remember lack of growth brings God no honour, prayerlessness gives no glory. Yet, positively God works in the believer through Scripture to prepare them for glory and to give them happiness here and now. A. W. Pink looks at what God has done for us, why he has done this and how we should respond. He gives us marks of grace to look for in ourselves and reassurance as to the help God provides.

  • $14.95

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    Twelve Biblical Decisions For A Meaningful Life

  • $4.95

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    This book shares ten vital reasons that Christians can’t afford “not to give.” God created and calls us to honor Him—to give back to Him a portion of what He gives to us. And in response, He promises to meet our needs according to His riches in glory.

  • $5.95

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    Where is God’s perfect word for the English speaking people?

  • $14.95

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    What to do when God rewrites your life

  • $2.95

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    Confronting The Obstacle Between You And Christ

  • $2.00

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    “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed?”

  • $8.00

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    This book discusses the areas of life in which backsliding takes place, examines the consequences, and in the concluding chapters points to the Lord who is the restorer and keeper of his people.

  • $29.00

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    No Christian who reads any one of these papers will be left unaffected. ‘Believer in Christ, remember this! Whatever you do in religion, do it well. Be real. Be thorough. Be honest. Be true.’

  • $16.00

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    No Christian who reads any one of these papers will be left unaffected. ‘Believer in Christ, remember this! Whatever you do in religion, do it well. Be real. Be thorough. Be honest. Be true.’

  • $15.00

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    Dr. Luis Ruiz thoughtfully deals with the issue of pride, using sensitivity and wisdom. This book will help you identify pride, its evil works and its consequences. It will instruct you on how to bring pride into submission using Scripture. It does not only present the dangers of an unbridled pride, but it also presents its antidote, HUMILITY, and the blessedness of it. Within each chapter, you will find truth-filled Scriptures and wise reflections that will move you to search within the depths of your heart. Human beings should be the least proud, yet are the most prone to arrogance.” “A proud heart… is sin” Pro. 21:4

  • $3.95

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    Four Keys to Guarding Your Heart

  • $12.95

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    Embrace the grace, endure the struggle, enjoy the relationship

  • $14.95

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    Recognizing and retraining wrong thinking

  • $3.95

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    Choosing Faith as Your Compass

  • $3.00

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    A Look At Biblical Holiness

  • $3.95

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    Winning the Spiritual Warfare Through the Sustaining Strength of God’s Grace

  • $12.00

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    This book began life as a collection of meditations on Romans 8:6, which were written for the author’s own benefit during a time of illness. Alarmed by the subtle power the world exercises over the mind, Owen shows us how to really live by raising our thoughts above all earthly objects and setting them on ‘things above, where Christ is’ (Col. 3:1)

  • $10.00

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    In this abridged and easy to read edition of John Owen’s classic work, the famous Puritan theologian opens up Matthew 26:41, carefully explaining what temptation is and what is involved in entering into it.

  • $6.00

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    The Authority Principle is an in-depth study on authority and God’s intended place for it in our lives.

  • $7.95

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    A reprint of an old book. A compendium on Old Age; sharing lessons learned, and ultimately basking in the knowledge that you are never too old to serve the Lord.

  • $16.99

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    ‘The Bondage of the Will’ is fundamental to an understanding of the primary doctrine of the reformation. In these pages, Luther gives extensive treatment to what he saw as the heart of the gospel.

    Author Martin Luther

  • $15.00

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    The Self Discipline to Do Right

  • $3.59

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    Discover how you can have the desires of your heart as you come to know the joy of God’s presence in your life.

    Author Andrew Murray

  • $11.99

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    This book is a must-read for those who want an in depth further understanding of the Holy Spirit.

  • $6.00

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    Expository Sermons on Christian Encouragement

    Author J. D. Jones

  • $12.99

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    An Inspiring Classic On The Nature Of God

  • $10.25

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    “F.B. Meyer’s devotional studies on biblical characters reflect a rare depth of spiritual experience. These great figures were not so different from ourselves–sometimes weak, indifferent, willful. Yet they had their moments of faith, humility, and courage, and God was able to use these for His greater purposes. God’s faithfulness, which not only accepts but transforms such inconsistency, calls us to more effective Christian living.

  • $9.99

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    In this book Torrey claims that he is an optimist because he has deeply pondered and believes with his whole heart what the Bible teaches concerning the Second Coming of Christ. Otherwise he would be pessimistic knowing what he does of the social trends in society. Torrey explores the stages of his own experience and the transformation wrought in him by the apprehension of this important doctrine.

  • $12.99

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    The Root Of The Righteous is A. W. Tozer’s own collection of articles that he first wrote for Alliance Life magazine when he served as editor (1950-1963)

  • $17.00

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    Warfield’s expositions unobtrusively express both his scholarly sense of the precise meaning of his texts and the warmth of his devotion to Jesus Christ.

  • $6.99

    9 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Christian life is not meant to be frustrating or impossible to live up to. There are essential truths that will keep your relationship with Christ fresh, dynamic, and fulfilling. In this life–changing book, author Andrew Murray helps you to clear away your spiritual baggage and provides you with a simple, liberating outlook on the Christian life. In the pages of this book, you will learn how to overcome sin and temptation, how to reach others for Christ, how to be filled with the Spirit, and how to develop true intimacy with God. Discover the secret of how to live for Christ in His strength instead of through your own efforts. You can have a dynamic, ongoing relationship with the living Christ and serve Him with new joy!

  • $2.00

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    From the pen of the author of the Three-Fold Secret of the Holy Spirit comes this excellent series of studies on the Surrendered Life. Learn what it means to live the surrendered life, how to live the surrendered life and discover the many blessings you will receive from having lived a surrendered life.

  • $9.95

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    It is sad but true that most Christians have no idea what God’s will is for their lives. The devil has been deceiving mankind for thousands of years and he is still deceiving people today. The will of God for a Christian’s life is so important for living the victorious Christian life. It is the desire of the author that by reading the pages of this book, you will come to an understanding of what God’s will is for your life. May God bless you as you seek the will of God.

    Author Corey Seulean

  • $2.00

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    This little booklet is packed with some powerful truths about how to respond to trials and difficulties.

  • $6.95

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    Thy Kingdom Come reveals the principles which transformed the ministries of the apostles and produced tremendous church growth and world evangelization.

  • $6.00

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    In his constant warfare against the church the devil loves nothing better than to sow the seeds of discord and division. The Puritan Thomas Brooks lamented, ‘Our own woeful experience is too great a proof of this.’ How can we counter this devilish ploy? Brooks outlines a twelve-point action plan and teaches us that United We Stand, Divided We Fall is a fitting motto for every Christian soldier.

  • $1.50

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    How Like-Minded Men Can Avoid Unnecessary Division

  • $28.00

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    This book is sent forth with the prayer that it will open a door to the vast stores of treasure to be found in the writings of the Puritans and that it will stimulate further exploration of this rich spiritual inheritance.

  • $8.99

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    Learn to equip yourself with God’s full arsenal of weapons to defeat the enemy.

  • $10.99

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    This book is about worship. It’s about how absolutely important worship is and how, perhaps, it is the highest calling and occupation of the believer. But it’s not about excellence of musicianship in played and sung worship. It’s not about personalities or individuals, or specially gifted folks, or style, or technique. It’s not a ‘how to’ book, or a workbook, or a ‘here’s a service schedule that’s bound to work’ type of book. It’s about how God calls us all to be His worshippers and how, perhaps, every single one of us can, through a deeper understanding of worship, make an impact and a difference in the society in which we live.

    Author Robin Mark

  • $13.97

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    Keller’s fiftieth book in fifty years of writing pinpoints twenty-one ways to embrace deeper meaning and joy in our daily lives, beginning with knowing God firsthand.

    Author W. Phillip Keller

  • $11.95

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    Discover the power of Biblical thinking

  • $14.95

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    Biblical insights for the real world

  • $9.95

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    “Buckle up your seat belts! There may be some turbulence ahead.”

  • $14.95

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    Renewing the Part of Your Life That Only God Sees

  • $15.99

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    Have you ever wondered what the message of each N.T. Book really is? Not just the meaning of a phrase, a text or chapter, but the central message of the entire book? If so, this is the book for you. Dr. Alan Cairns is a Presbyterian and not all in this book is endorsed by us.