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Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
5 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
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Includes: The American Dream, The Declaration of Independence, & God’s Judgment on the Nations
Phil Stringer
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Was Scripture given by Mechanical dictation?
Author Phil Stringer
15 in stock
Warren Wiersbe has compiled meaningful sermons from the church’s great preachers in this topical series. Filled with illustrative materials for pastors. Also an excellent resource for personal devotions.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
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15 Lessons/Sermons from the Psalms on the “Blessed Provisions of God”
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Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is most often remembered as the preacher of Westminster Chapel, London. But his ministry began far from the metropolis, in the industrial setting of Aberavon, South Wales. It was during this time that the sermons in this book were preached, and they show that from the outset of his ministry, Dr. Lloyd-Jones was an evangelistic preacher.
Dr. Lloyd-Jones was filled with concern that no one should mistake, as he had done in his younger days, nominal Christianity for the real experience of salvation. The sermons reveal great insight into the plight of humanity, and a compassion for the unconverted. They are reproduced here as examples of what gospel preaching ought to be, and in the conviction that they will speak again to the hearts and consciences of new generations.
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20 Sermon Outlines from “Light From The Lamp of Truth” Published 1897
Author F. E. Marsh
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Sixteen of the greatest sermons ever preached
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The goal of this book is to lift the Great Commission out of the grips of a humanistic approach wherein man is the goal and restore God to the proper place as the central focus of world evangelism…The purpose of global evangelism is for God to be glorified by some from every nation. If that conclusion has New Testament credibility, then we must ask ourselves, “Are we fulfilling New Testament missions?”
Author Charles Keen
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This book contains the lectures on Daniel preached by J. Frank Norris to the students of the Bible Baptist Seminary. This collection covers the entirety of the Book of Daniel verse by verse. As you peruse the pages of this book, you cannot help but be amazed at the vast amount of knowledge on the pages. Each page seems to have such in-depth teaching from the Book of Daniel that whether you are a pastor, a teacher, or a layman student of the Word of God, you will find something new and interesting from the vast knowledge contained in this book.
2 in stock
This book contains the lectures on Isaiah preached by J. Frank Norris to the students of the Fundamental Baptist Bible Institute. This collection covers the entirety of the Book of Isaiah verse by verse. As you peruse the pages of this book, you cannot help but be amazed at the vast amount of knowledge on the pages. Each page seems to have such in-depth teaching from the Book of Isaiah that whether you are a pastor, a teacher, or a layman student of the Word of God, you will find something new and interesting from the vast knowledge contained in this book..
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This book contains the lectures on Revelation preached by J. Frank Norris to the students of the Bible Baptist Seminary. This collection covers the entirety of the Book of Revelation verse by verse. As you peruse the pages of this book, you cannot help but be amazed at the vast amount of knowledge on the pages. Each page seems to have such in-depth teaching from the Book of Revelation that whether you are a pastor, a teacher, or a layman student of the Word of God, you will find something new and interesting from the vast knowledge contained in this book.
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This book contains Dr. Norris’s transcribed practical lectures on Romans. He pastored First Baptist Church of Fort Worth, Texas, and Temple Baptist Church of Detroit, Michigan.
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Leading these fifty-two sermons (exactly half from the Old Testament) are the last which C. H. Spurgeon personally prepared for the press before his death at the age of fifty-seven on January 31, 1892. From the best unpublished sermons of the closing years of Spurgeon’s life, J.W. Harrald (his faithful assistant) put the rest of this volume together.
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Excellent commentary on the Book of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Outstanding resource for the Pastor, Teacher or any serious student of the Word of God. This Sermonic teaching style commentary is fully alliterated with insightful comments.
Author Tom Hayes
Hardback 223 pages$30.00
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Excellent commentary on the Book of Acts. Outstanding resource for the Pastor, Teacher or any serious student of the Word of God. This Sermonic teaching style commentary is fully alliterated with insightful comments.
Author Tom Hayes
Hardback 245 pages$9.95
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Excellent commentary on the Book of Amos. Outstanding resource for the Pastor, Teacher or any serious student of the Word of God. This Sermonic teaching style commentary is fully alliterated with insightful comments.
Author Tom Hayes
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Here is another volume (3) in the King James Baptist Practical Sermon Series from the heart of Pastor Doug Sehorne. 170 Pages of Annotated Sermon Notes. Excellent for all Preachers, Sunday School teachers or anyone hungry for the Word of God. Outline, Illustrations, Exposition and Devotional thoughts, make for a great addition to any library.
Author Doug Sehorne
2 in stock (can be backordered)
We might expect a lengthy book on only verses 1-4 of the eighth chapter of Romans to be wearisome and repetitive, but this is not the case. Thomas Jacomb (1622-87) tells us that he found by digging into this mine that it was full of rich matter. All the major truths of the gospel are here, in a remarkably readable manner, especially the practical subjects which the Puritans loved to expound.’Jacomb simply grips our heart and understanding’, says a reviewer.
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The fourteen sermons contained in Saved By Grace Alone were preached in Westminster Chapel, London, on Sunday evenings between 15 April and 15 July 1956. They are a fine example of preaching evangelistically from a consecutive passage of the Old Testament.
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Whitefield was not only the greatest preacher and orator of the eighteenth century, he was also one of its most saintly characters, if not the saintliest of all. Certainly there was no more humble or lovable man amongst them. What can be more profitable, next to the Bible itself, than to read something of the life of such a man and to read his own words!
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Contains J.C. Ryle’s famous sermon on heaven as well as sermons by Moody, Spurgeon, Sunday, and McCheyne.
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This book is a collection of sermon outlines which have been preached in the services of Faith Baptist Church over the last 32 years. Most of the outlines are the work of the author, but some are borrowed from various sermons that preacher has heard or read over the years.
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20 Messages / Exposition, Alliteration, Illustration, Application covering all the book of James. Transcribed from audio media so that you can virtually hear these messages as they were preached in the fire of Holy Ghost preaching. Rich in content and practical in application, this will be a valuable addition to anyone’s library.
Author Doug Sehorne
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A friend once said to Archibald Brown that the sermons he found most helpful and enjoyable were simple sermons. ‘What do you mean by a simple sermon?’, his pastor replied. The answer was, ‘One that is all about the Lord.’ This book contains many of Archibald Brown’s outstanding sermons on the Person and Work of Christ. It takes the reader to the heart of Brown’s ministry with an attractiveness and relevance that will never dim.
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Expository Sermons on Christian Encouragement
Author J. D. Jones
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Warfield’s expositions unobtrusively express both his scholarly sense of the precise meaning of his texts and the warmth of his devotion to Jesus Christ.
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Written by Dr. Charles Keen, this book is about the current state of the Great Commission. Over 50% of the world has never heard the Gospel .
Forward by Dr. Don Sisk
This great book of fourteen sermons are full of encouragement to give our lives to the Great Commission. Dr. Don Sisk says, “Since pastors need to preach on missions and…missionaries should major on preaching about missions when they are in mission conferences, or doing their deputation or furlough, this book could be a great resource for sermons.$5.39
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Studies in the Book of Colossians. Maybe our faith is on trial. What was good for the Colossians in their hard times may be just the Word for us today.
By Victor Maxwell
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A discouraged person always overrates his problem. He always makes his problem look or seem bigger than it really is. That’s what causes discouragement, when we rate our problems above the abilities of God. it is not the problems that defeat us; it’s our attitude toward the problems.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
The dictionary defines “classic” as that of the highest grade of quality. This great book in the Classic Series, is a collection of “classic” sermons by Charles Spurgeon. This with the other “Classic” books will surely become a collectors series that every pastor and layman will want to have and read.
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This book helps to strengthen the faith of young people struggling with the modernist beliefs taught in schools.
11 in stock (can be backordered)
How can I improve my stewardship?
Warren Wiersbe has selected thirteen sermons from some of history’s best preachers to help and to inspire those who find themselves facing the awkward topic of stewardship.
5 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available in print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
On December 23, 1899, front-page headlines announced the death of renowned preacher Dwight Lyman Moody. A century later his legacy endures, not only in publishing and educational institutions that bear his name but also in the work of his successors in the field of mass evangelism. Now students of North American religious history, pastors, and lay Christians who revere his memory can get to know him through his own words.
5 in stock (can be backordered)
This book looks into the heart of conservative Christianity and what it means to be a fundamentalist at the beginning of a new millennium. Seven leading preachers from across the world came together for the World Congress of Fundamentalism. Their sermons serve as the subjects of this book.
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A selection of seven sermons concerning life, death and the hereafter. What happens to believers and unbelievers at the moment of death and after.
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Subjects include: the Blood of the Lamb, Luke’s gospel and the Ten Commandments. Focus is on the Blood – voice, virtue, value and victory. In this volume the whole range of expositional preaching is demonstrated and illustrated, from a text to a type, from the decalogue to a doctrine; and finally to a whole book of scripture.
158 Pages
By Ian Paisley$8.99
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The consummate pilgrim, the disciple of Christ, shows us how to walk the Christian pathway. Begin with this venerable patriarch as he leaves his homeland, and follow him to Moriah’s hill. Learn with Abraham that the pitfalls are many, but the rewards are eternal, and that all who know the Saviour must traverse this road.
By John Douglas
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This volume pioneers a field which has not been cultivated by many students of the Bible. It is rich in type and truth. Its eye is on the wonderful Savior who wore these wonderful clothes.
By Ian Paisley
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For over 60 years, the Rev. Nicholson traveled the world preaching the Gospel. Like John Wesley, he cried ‘the world is my parish.’ He was a contemporary of R. A. Torrey, Billy Sunday, J. Wilbur Chapman and Charles Alexander. His sermons were often an hour long, and people listened with the most eager interest. These evangelistic sermons read easy, challenge the heart, and have been used to the salvation of souls. Includes 12 soul-stirring messages including: Saved and Sure, Cross-Bearing, Hell, Heaven, The Great Judgment Day and 7 others.
By W. P. Nicholson
29 in stock
As a master of biographical preaching, Dr. Clarence Macartney captures the personal struggles, failures and spiritual victories of the New Testament characters. The messages in this volume examines individuals who came in personal contact with Jesus during His earthly ministry. There is a wealth of illustrations and quotations that will deepen the reader’s insight and appreciation of biblical truth.
1 in stock
The Bible’s presentation of God’s Son and our Savior is covered from eternity past to eternity future in these 18 sermons.
1 in stock
The Bible plan is for fathers to lead spiritually, financially, physically, and emotionally in the home. The father’s role is explained and detailed in clear measure. Here you will see a picture painted of a dad as God intended him to be seen. God expects men to lead; this book will help show you how to do so.
Hardcover 249 Pages
By Curtis Hutson$14.95
2 in stock
During His earthly ministry, Jesus gave but one description of Heaven-in John 14. Yet He spoke of Hell on no fewer than fourteen occasions. In this book you will find a literal Hell where literal fire torments the damned for a literal eternity. You will also find the way of escape God has prepared, and you will be burdened to warn others of the frightening reality of coming judgment.
Hardcover 249 Pages
By Curtis Hutson$14.95
1 in stock
Great messages on patriotism by a group of mighty men of the past and present.
2 in stock
Revival should be our prayer, our passion and our priority. It should be the normal state of things in every church what should be, could be and will be when we believe God as we should and give ourselves devotedly to His cause. In this volume we have included great sermons from men who experienced great revivals. May you read these sermons with a prayer in your heart for God to ignite the fires of revival in your own soul.
Hardcover 249 Pages
By Shelton Smith
1 in stock
What is the measure of a man’s ministry?–his faithfulness? the geographical extent his ministry covers? Can a man’s ministry be measured? Yes, it can. Never was there such a compassionate soul winner as Jesus. How Paul wept over sinners! D. L. Moody may well have been the greatest soul winner and evangelist of all time. He was sold out to soul winning.
Hardcover 254 Pages
By Curtis Hutson
1 in stock
From the 1st century to the 20th century some of the best known preachers and their sermons allow you to trace the thought of Christians over time. Sermons from 25 of the world’s greatest preachers, including Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon and more.
Hardcover 416 Pages
By Clarence MaCartney$11.95
7 in stock (can be backordered)
This is the second volume in a great series of books featuring great conference preaching by Jack Hyles.
1 in stock
When we hold the Bible in our hands, we are holding the Holy Scriptures. It is an anchor for our souls. It is God’s fixed point of reference in a world that is always changing. It is impossible to be spiritual without being scriptural.
By Clarence Sexton
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The texts of these messages are like the star which the wise men followed–pointers at the beginning of each year directing onwards to the millennium to come. They not only point to Christ, but seek to reveal some aspect of His ministry, inspiring us to follow hard after Him.
Ian Paisley
8 in stock (can be backordered)
Little Words about Great Things – Ten Expository messages on things called GREAT in the Bible. Preaching is no more than little words about great things.
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary on little words in Scripture. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean Weaver
Paperback 100 pages
1 in stock
This book will bring your favorite Psalm alive to you in a way you have never known before. Reading it will enlighten your mind, warm your heart and draw you closer to the Saviour-Shepherd known and described so vividly by David all those centuries ago.
By Timothy Cross
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Spurgeon’s sermons on the passion and death of our Lord.
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Incomparable in its faithfulness, majestic in its language, and inexhaustible in its spiritual fruitfulness, the King James Version continues to reveal to millions the grace of Him whose name is the Word of God, and who is crowned with glory and honor.
By Ian Paisley
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Whether based on Old Testament or New, every sermon is full of Christ: the sinner’s need of Him, the fullness of His grace, the happiness of those who come to Him, and the danger of stopping short of genuine faith in Him.
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R. M. M’Cheyne sermons from the Old Testament
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Eleven Award-Winning Messages, the stirring revival sermons that were contest winners in the Sword of The Lord Newspaper including, the title message, “Treasure or Trouble”, “Beauty and the Beast”, The Noose”, “Fatal Carelessness”, “People Who Are Born Twice”, and more.
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Contains all three Path Ponderings books!
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30 Devotional Meditations "Names and Portraits of Christ"
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These sermon outlines by Bro. Ricky Gravley, Pastor of the Bible Baptist Church of Rossville, GA, provides pastors with a text, sermon points, and corresponding scripture.
This book includes 25 individual sermons, ranging from Building Your Home On A Solid Foundation to The One Thing That Is Needful.
3 in stock
These sermon outlines by Bro. Ricky Gravley, Pastor of the Bible Baptist Church of Rossville, GA, provides pastors with a text, sermon points, and corresponding scripture.
This book includes 25 individual sermons, ranging from The Necessity of Revival to The Believers Warfare.
3 in stock
These sermon outlines by Bro. Ricky Gravley, Pastor of the Bible Baptist Church of Rossville, GA, provides pastors with a text, sermon points, and corresponding scripture.
The book includes 25 individual sermons that will preach.
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These sermon outlines by Bro. Ricky Gravley, Pastor of the Bible Baptist Church of Rossville, GA, provides pastors with a text, sermon points, and corresponding scripture.
The book includes 25 individual sermons that will preach.
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These sermon outlines by Bro. Ricky Gravley, Pastor of the Bible Baptist Church of Rossville, GA, provides pastors with a text, sermon points, and corresponding scripture.
The book includes 25 individual sermons that will preach.
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These sermon outlines by Bro. Ricky Gravley, Pastor of the Bible Baptist Church of Rossville, GA, provides pastors with a text, sermon points, and corresponding scripture.
The book includes 25 individual sermons that will preach.
1 in stock
Preaching and Teaching Outlines from the Psalms, by Dr. Tom Wallace, a preacher and pastor of international note and reputation. Dr Wallace has served as pastor of 3 great, thriving, soul-winning churches, spanning 28 years, plus six years in evangelism.
Paperback 182 Pages
By Tom Wallace
2 in stock
A compilation of sermons to stir the heart, uplift the spirit and deepen the convictions of every Christian.