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  • $12.95

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    Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.

  • $12.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.

  • $12.95

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.

  • $12.95

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.

  • $2.00

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    Includes: The American Dream, The Declaration of Independence, & God’s Judgment on the Nations

    Phil Stringer


  • $2.00

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    Was Scripture given by Mechanical dictation?

    Author Phil Stringer

  • $5.00

    15 in stock

    Warren Wiersbe has compiled meaningful sermons from the church’s great preachers in this topical series. Filled with illustrative materials for pastors. Also an excellent resource for personal devotions.

  • $12.95

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    Seven of Moody’s Greatest Sermons

  • $12.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.

  • $3.00

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    15 Lessons/Sermons from the Psalms on the “Blessed Provisions of God”

  • $17.00

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    Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is most often remembered as the preacher of Westminster Chapel, London. But his ministry began far from the metropolis, in the industrial setting of Aberavon, South Wales. It was during this time that the sermons in this book were preached, and they show that from the outset of his ministry, Dr. Lloyd-Jones was an evangelistic preacher.

    Dr. Lloyd-Jones was filled with concern that no one should mistake, as he had done in his younger days, nominal Christianity for the real experience of salvation. The sermons reveal great insight into the plight of humanity, and a compassion for the unconverted. They are reproduced here as examples of what gospel preaching ought to be, and in the conviction that they will speak again to the hearts and consciences of new generations.

  • $2.00

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    20 Sermon Outlines from “Light From The Lamp of Truth” Published 1897

    Author F. E. Marsh

  • $7.00

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    Sixteen of the greatest sermons ever preached

  • $12.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The goal of this book is to lift the Great Commission out of the grips of a humanistic approach wherein man is the goal and restore God to the proper place as the central focus of world evangelism…The purpose of global evangelism is for God to be glorified by some from every nation. If that conclusion has New Testament credibility, then we must ask ourselves, “Are we fulfilling New Testament missions?”

    Author Charles Keen

  • $12.95

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    Eleven of Buffington’s greatest sermons

  • $12.00

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    This book contains the lectures on Daniel preached by J. Frank Norris to the students of the Bible Baptist Seminary. This collection covers the entirety of the Book of Daniel verse by verse. As you peruse the pages of this book, you cannot help but be amazed at the vast amount of knowledge on the pages. Each page seems to have such in-depth teaching from the Book of Daniel that whether you are a pastor, a teacher, or a layman student of the Word of God, you will find something new and interesting from the vast knowledge contained in this book.

  • $19.95

    2 in stock

    This book contains the lectures on Isaiah preached by J. Frank Norris to the students of the Fundamental Baptist Bible Institute. This collection covers the entirety of the Book of Isaiah verse by verse. As you peruse the pages of this book, you cannot help but be amazed at the vast amount of knowledge on the pages. Each page seems to have such in-depth teaching from the Book of Isaiah that whether you are a pastor, a teacher, or a layman student of the Word of God, you will find something new and interesting from the vast knowledge contained in this book..

  • $19.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book contains the lectures on Revelation preached by J. Frank Norris to the students of the Bible Baptist Seminary. This collection covers the entirety of the Book of Revelation verse by verse. As you peruse the pages of this book, you cannot help but be amazed at the vast amount of knowledge on the pages. Each page seems to have such in-depth teaching from the Book of Revelation that whether you are a pastor, a teacher, or a layman student of the Word of God, you will find something new and interesting from the vast knowledge contained in this book.

  • $10.00

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book contains Dr. Norris’s transcribed practical lectures on Romans. He pastored First Baptist Church of Fort Worth, Texas, and Temple Baptist Church of Detroit, Michigan.

  • $12.95

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    Eight Of Roberson’s Greatest Sermons

  • $33.00

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    Leading these fifty-two sermons (exactly half from the Old Testament) are the last which C. H. Spurgeon personally prepared for the press before his death at the age of fifty-seven on January 31, 1892. From the best unpublished sermons of the closing years of Spurgeon’s life, J.W. Harrald (his faithful assistant) put the rest of this volume together.

  • $5.00

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  • $3.00

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  • $19.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Excellent commentary on the Book of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Outstanding resource for the Pastor, Teacher or any serious student of the Word of God. This Sermonic teaching style commentary is fully alliterated with insightful comments.

    Author Tom Hayes
    Hardback 223 pages

  • $30.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Excellent commentary on the Book of Acts. Outstanding resource for the Pastor, Teacher or any serious student of the Word of God. This Sermonic teaching style commentary is fully alliterated with insightful comments.

    Author Tom Hayes
    Hardback 245 pages

  • $9.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Excellent commentary on the Book of Amos. Outstanding resource for the Pastor, Teacher or any serious student of the Word of God. This Sermonic teaching style commentary is fully alliterated with insightful comments.

    Author Tom Hayes

  • $8.00

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    Here is another volume (3) in the King James Baptist Practical Sermon Series from the heart of Pastor Doug Sehorne. 170 Pages of Annotated Sermon Notes. Excellent for all Preachers, Sunday School teachers or anyone hungry for the Word of God. Outline, Illustrations, Exposition and Devotional thoughts, make for a great addition to any library.

    Author Doug Sehorne

  • $5.00

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    Ten Powerful Sermons on Power.

  • $5.00

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    Eight of Barber’s greatest sermons

  • $32.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    We might expect a lengthy book on only verses 1-4 of the eighth chapter of Romans to be wearisome and repetitive, but this is not the case. Thomas Jacomb (1622-87) tells us that he found by digging into this mine that it was full of rich matter. All the major truths of the gospel are here, in a remarkably readable manner, especially the practical subjects which the Puritans loved to expound.’Jacomb simply grips our heart and understanding’, says a reviewer.