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    Turn your visual masterpiece of history into an educational tool you can use, continually reference, and enjoy for years to come!

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    Originally published in circa-1860 and beautifully bound in hardcover form, Leonard’s Biblical Chronological Chart is one of the most concise and helpful reference tools you will ever own! This faithful reproduction of the 19th century original is a visual wonder and a treasure trove of historical fact, biblical chronology, and Old Testament genealogy. Even the ornate edging contains fascinating details that will help explain some of the most common concepts, cultural facts, and details of measurements and dates as revealed in the Bible. Easily folds out to an intricately-detailed 29 x 34 chart; Contains several engraved maps: the journey of St. Paul, the area of Canaan, and journeys of the Children of Israel; Lineage of the family of Jacob, the Kings of Judah, and the Kings of Israel are shown. Leonard’s Biblical Chronological Chart folds up easily and securely to preserve it for generations to come. Enhance your understanding of biblical history with this one-of-a-kind resource!

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    Was Scripture given by Mechanical dictation?

    Author Phil Stringer

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    This book has been the means of convincing a large number of pedobaptists of the validity of the Baptist position of immersion as the proper mode of baptism, and not that of baptismal regeneration and infant baptism.

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    Billy R. Toler’s Personal Reflections of Dr. Harold B. Sightler

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    A Survey of the Documents and History of the Bible

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    The Scottish Psalter of 1595 was unique in that it contained a series of prayers on the Psalms. Regarded as ‘one of the little-known devotional treasures of the Scottish Church’ these prayers breathe the spirit of humble confidence in God in the midst of trouble and persecution. Presented here in slightly updated form as Prayers on the Psalms they are sure to suggest much matter for prayer in public, private, and family worship.

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    This compilation of passages is designed to aid the student of the Word of God in recognizing the importance of prayer and other well-known verses from the Book of Psalms.

  • $22.00

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    David Sorenson presents a fascinating account of the events leading up to the making of the King James Version of the Bible

  • Original price was: $5.95.Current price is: $4.95.

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    This booklet has been designed for use with Topical Studies in Proverbs. For every one of the book’s 101 chapters, the study guide has six questions and an extra assignment.

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    This brochure summarizes in a very readable fashion the essence of the book “Touch Not the Unclean Thing”. It is an excellent bite-sized summary of the King James Bible issue.

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    A guide to discipleship in the local church

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    What should a Christian do with cards? This booklet will teach you about cards and how they have ruined many lives and hindered people from coming to Christ.

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    A Dictionary of Bible Types examines over 1,000 types, shadows, signs, symbols, pictures, figures, and patterns in the Bible great along side a good Bible Dictionary

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    A Reference Guide to more than 700 Topics discussed by the Early Church Fathers.

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    A "How To" Hand Book for Good Living

  • Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $37.50.

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    America in Crimson Red contains a wealth of information about our Baptist heritage.

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    Old Words and the KJV Bible

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    A simple study of the Basic Doctrines in the Word of God for young Christians.

    Stinnett Ballew

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    99 messages on the major and minor characters of the Old and New Testaments

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    A classical biblical reference to help you understand and apply the history of the Old Testament.

  • Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.00.

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    This book is written to be a concise book of Bible Prophecy Terminology. It is practical and helpful. Want a quick resource for understanding the terms used in prophecy? This the the book. Handy and helpful.

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    Christ’s Doctrine of the Atonement, like its companion volume on the Apostles’ doctrine, is a work to be read and re-read. Those who possess it will often find themselves instinctively turning to consult Smeaton for insight on passages where other works have failed them.

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    Christian Character is one of the MOST needed areas in our Christian Life. This manual is the best available in our opinion and is a must for every Christian Home, Church Sunday school and private school.

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    Intended as an “original compilation” this work by Dr. Emery H. Bancroft is an “interesting reading of a mass of material in all areas of theology.” It is a doctrinally sound, scholarly work that covers the topic well.
    Classic book on Christian Theology
    by a classic author Emery H. Bancroft

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    This book can put you on the right path for fulfilling God’s will for your ministry.

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    High quality Reference study books by Clarence Larkin 5 hardback books and 2 paperback books published by the Larkin Estate

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    The Gospel of the Kingdom

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    A concise Bible dictionary designed to fit in a Bible case. It includes an extensive list of King James Bible words that have changed meaning since 1611, plus all of the doctrinal terms and much more. Not only does it define individual Bible words but also many of the phrases and descriptive statements that are no longer a part of contemporary English usage, such as “superfluity of naughtiness,” “at your hand,” “taken with the manner,” and ” in the gate.” It is an excellent Bible dictionary for both new and older Christians. 

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  • Original price was: $52.80.Current price is: $49.95.

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    Dispensational study book with extensive charts.

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    Dr. Shelton Smith’s newest book on the subject of Revival.

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    Exodus commentary in alliterated style in Bible Student’s Notebook of Expository Outlines.

  • Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $18.95.

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    Final Authority presents a scholarly, yet readable defense of the King James Bible which answers many of the questions being asked by sincere Christians, such as: Who were the King James Version of the Bible translators?

    William P Grady


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    Five Glimpses of Grace – Seeing Jesus in the 5 Levitical sacrifice offerings. Fully alliterated.

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    Allow the Lord to use you to win souls!

  • Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $18.95.

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    In the closing days of the Church Age, the King James Bible is under the greatest attack of its 400-year history. Given by Inspiration was written as a timely defense of the Old Black Book to address these unsettling developments. This volume is not just a rehash of the standard King James Bible debate but rather a multifaceted study promoting the uncontested final authority of the A.V. 1611.

    William P Grady

    Paperback 299 pages

  • $9.95

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    The only Bible God wrote through human agents was written in 2 of the world’s most perfect languages. The O.T. was originally written in Hebrew and the N.T. in Greek. In these original writings abide infinite perfection which no human will ever be able to duplicate. Because God inspired only one Bible, all other writings which are not in full agreement with it, cannot possibly be the true Word of God.

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    God’s Answers to Man’s Questions 100 Bible Lessons and Answers to many of the questions of life.

    Great for any Bible teaching event whether Sunday school, Family alter or preaching from the pulpit.

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    Great messages on patriotism by a group of mighty men of the past and present.

  • Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $34.95.

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    A sequel to the international bestseller New Age Versions, this work is a history of Greek and Hebrew lexicography. Also shown are answers to the now prevailing question, “Is our Bible inspired?”

    Gail Riplinger

  • Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $28.95.

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    Holy Ground – Understanding the Times – Volume Two – A basic history of the modern state of Israel is indispensable to interpret current prophetic events. Unlike standard works, Holy Ground presents both a lucid and fascinating synopsis of all important facts.

    William P Grady

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    There is no true fulfillment outside of knowing Jesus Christ and living a life of obedience to Him.

  • Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $38.95.

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    How Satan Turned America Against God – Understanding the Times – Volume One

    How Satan Turned America Against God deals with negative reality as opposed to positive fantasy. It reveals America’s main purpose for her existence, the tragic repudiation of that role and how Satan orchestrated the process. This book will afford the reader with an “understanding of the times…for such a time at this” (I Chronicles 12:32; Esther 4:14).

    William P. Grady

    Paperback 972 pages


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    This book is for both ministers and laymen.

  • $49.95

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    Understanding the Mystery of the King James Bible and the Hidden History are like two books in one

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    Dr. Shelton Smith examines the religion, its history, its philosophy, its teaching and its practices.

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    Riplinger’s detailed and scholarly responses – unanswerable by skeptics like Hunt, Cloud, James White, Hanagraaff, House, Morey, Passantino, Robert Thomas of Master’s Seminary and S.E. Schnaeter of Bob Jones University.

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    One of the best known and most important references on the life of Christ ever written.

  • Original price was: $129.95.Current price is: $99.99.

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    Light & Truth: Bible Thoughts & Themes by Horatius Bonar 5-Volume Set covering both Old and New Testaments.. 
    *Volume I is the Old Testament
    *Volume II is the Gospels
    *Volume III is The Acts and Greater Epistles
    *Volume IV is the Lesser Epistles
    *Volume V is The Revelation.

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    Is Your Bible Missing Something? Do you care if your Bible is missing things? If so, this book is for you!

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    Has God preserved His Word, or it is “up for grabs” for anyone to revise and publish? Ps. 12:6,7 This book compares the KJV to the NIV (as representing other versions), showing damaging changes and omissions. Also presented are the ideas behind modern versions and principles of preservation.

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    The New Case Against the NIV, NASB, NKJV, NRSV, NAB, REB, RSV, CEV, TEV, GNB, LIVING, PHILLIPS, NEW JERUSALEM, & NEW CENTURY. This book is the result of an exhaustive six year collation of new bible versions, their underlying Greek manuscripts, editions, and editor. It objectively and methodically documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age Movement’s One World Religion. Dr. G.A. Riplinger objectively and methodically documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age Movement’s One World Religion.

  • Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $25.00.

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    Fundamental Baptist Books and Music by Fundamental Bible believing Authors.
    Fundamental Baptist Books is your #1 source for King James Bibles and Fundamental Baptist Books and Music

    New Testament Bible History illustrated Bible Study Series. Used by many Baptist colleges, Christian schools and churches as there student book. There is a companion workbook available and a DVD series teaching the entire course by the author.

  • $15.99

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    This is an invaluable guide to the study of Bible Numerics. Bullinger’s two-fold approach to the subject first examines the supernatural desgin of the Bible. He notes the amazing patterns of numbers and numerical features of the Scriptures that give evidence of their Designer. The second section highlights the spiritual significance and symbolic connotations of numbers which are repeated in different contexts throughout the Bible. This study will provide a treasure trove of insights and practical applications for pastors, teachers, and Bible students.

  • $25.00

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    The Old Testament History Guidebook is a 310 page hardback book with an attractively-designed cover illustrating Old Testament history. Used by many colleges, Christian schools and churches.

  • $24.95

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    One Book Stands Alone tackles one of the most pressing theological
    debates of our time-identifying Gods preserved word in the English
    language. Unlike most other polemical works, this book conclusively
    pinpoints the present battleground and spiritual combatants of
    the 21st century.

    This book is endorsed by a variety of well-known men who stand with Dr.
    Stauffer in his defense of the Authorized Version such as: Dr. Bob Gray,
    Tom Malone, Lee Roberson, Dr. Bill Grady, and many others.

  • $14.95

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    Historical facts which prove that Christianity played a pivotal role in uniquely shaping of America.

  • $29.00

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    ‘I would pray and labour that in gaining breadth we may not lose height, and in gaining peace and love we may not lose purity and truth’.

  • $4.00

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    In this brief pamphlet, he gives a clear summary of what the Bible teaches about giving. The most common objections some people have about tithing are effectively answered.

  • $19.95

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    The Keys to Life Changing Bible Expositions

  • $8.09

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    Studies in Zechariah.

  • $9.95

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    Purified Seven Times: The Miracle of the English Bible was written to explain how the Authorized King James Version should be the English Bible for Christians. This book looks at seven moments in history where the Bible was “purified” beginning with John Wycliffe’s translation into English and concluding with the King James Authorized Version.

    Bill Bradley

  • $39.95

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    A Devotional Guide set of 12 booklets covering the entire Bible : This material has been prepared
    to help you become familiar with the great stories of the

  • $20.00

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    An Exhaustive Study of Temporary Punishment for Unfaithful Christians at the Judgement Seat and During the Millennial Kingdom.

  • $14.00

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    Well done book containing 292 pages and with each of the 75 problems representing a chapter. This book has been recommended by several well known Baptist Preachers.

  • $9.95

    Out Of Print

    Becoming a Man of God. The great need of the hour is for Christian men to become godly men—for their daily walk to reflect the life of Christ. But just how does one become a “man of God?”

  • $10.00

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    Methods and techniques learned and used in over 56,000 sermons preached by Dr. Jack Hyles.

  • $10.00

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    Excellent book by the late Dr. Jack Hyles on the subject of teaching.

  • $30.00

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    Apostles’ doctrine of the Atonement, like its companion volume on Christ’s Doctrine of the atonement, is a work to be read and re-read. Those who possess it will often find themselves instinctively turning to consult Smeaton for insight on passages where other works have failed them.

  • $12.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    In May of 2006, David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries posted a five-part series of articles, misnamed “Defending the King James Version”. In point of fact, these articles constitute one of the most vicious attacks ever launched against the 1611 KJV. In addition, these articles surreptitiously serve as the foundation for David Bay’s four part DVD series entitled ‘The Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings.”

    The common denominator in the articles and the DVD series is Francis Bacon, the supposed mastermind behind the alleged Rosicrucian, Masonic and occult images in the 1611 King James Version and the guiding spirit behind the founding of America…allegedly Bacon’s New Atlantis. This book is a rebuttal to David Bay’s ill-advised and unfounded attack on he general title page engraving, the genealogy pages, the head pieces and tail pieces, and the woodcut letter at book and chapter beginning.

    Of equal if not greater, concern is Bay’s grand vision of the entire text of the 1611 KJV being constructed on a Masonic template of the Generative-Principle flanked by two giant phalli…a vision prompted by “an occultist with the handle of Satanic Red.”

  • $5.00

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    Fifteen key Bible doctrines are the focus of Dr. Macartney’s practical exposition of Scripture and the historic Christian faith.

  • $14.95

    28 in stock

    The man who built the largest Sunday school in America provides detailed insight into the methods and strategies that helped build the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. It’s all here, everything you need to improve your Sunday school ministry.