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Prayer under the blessing of God leads to the new birth, strengthens faith, moves mountains, and promotes spiritual growth and contentment that rises above circumstances.
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From the dying lips of an unknown leper, “Lord, if Thou wilt…” to the humble whisper of a prestigious king, “Grant me wisdom…,” prayer is that common thread that binds the human heart to its Creator. Throughout the millenniums, people from all cultures yearn to speak with that Someone greater than the problems of this life. Even Scripture eternally recorded for us the petitions of those that looked to the God of Heaven for an answer. He is the same God now as He was then; He still desires for His people to call upon Him.
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Does it seem to you that Satan is getting the upper hand in your life, your home, your church and in your nation? How can this be? “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world;” right? Jesus warned us that we would face powerful devils that can only be overcome by prayer and fasting! This book explains the importance of fasting with prayers, how to do it effectively, and why it works. You need to read this book today!
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For many Christians, prayer is nothing special, just something we’re supposed to do-go to church, tithe, read the Bible, pray. But prayer should be so much more than an item on our “to do” list.
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We shall do well to watch our habits of prayer with a holy watchfulness. Here is the pulse of our Christianity. Here is the true test of our state before God.
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The Scottish Psalter of 1595 was unique in that it contained a series of prayers on the Psalms. Regarded as ‘one of the little-known devotional treasures of the Scottish Church’ these prayers breathe the spirit of humble confidence in God in the midst of trouble and persecution. Presented here in slightly updated form as Prayers on the Psalms they are sure to suggest much matter for prayer in public, private, and family worship.
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Where God has worked, the people have prayed. Hannah pleaded for a son and received Samuel. Elijah called on God and saw fire come down. Paul and Silas prayed and the prison shook.
Why do some prayers move mountains and others, barely stones? In Prevailing Prayer, one of the greatest evangelists of all time explains the elements of biblical, powerful prayer. A treasure trove of stories and illustrations, it will renew your desire to pray and guide you in best practices.
For those who wonder where the power is, who long to see new spiritual depths, who need reminding that God can change a life, Prevailing Prayer is inspiration to pray humbly and often—to seek by prayer to “move the Arm that moves the world.”
Author D. L. Moody
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This compilation of passages is designed to aid the student of the Word of God in recognizing the importance of prayer and other well-known verses from the Book of Psalms.
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A book to help with having a better prayer life.
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Most evangelical Christians know of Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Bible, but few are as familiar with his A Method for Prayer, with Scripture Expressions Proper to Be Used under Each Head. This work consists almost entirely of Scripture, arranged under various headings, to help Christians to pray in harmony with the truth of God, revealed in his Word.
First published three hundred years ago, it has been revised and updated by O. Palmer Robertson to allow the language of prayer to be expressed in today’s idiom. It is sent out in the confidence that God will continue to honour his own Word, as it is redirected back to him in the form of heartfelt prayer.
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Pointers in the Practice of Prayer. – Currently out of stock and temporarily out of print.
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When George Mueller could not get it out of his mind to open a house for orphans in late 1835, he purposed to do so “that God might be magnified by the fact that the orphans under my care are provided with all they need, only by prayer and faith.”
For over sixty years George Mueller wrote down the details of the Lord’s provision. Thousands of orphans depended solely on Mueller, and Mueller depended solely on the Lord. Prayer is an urgent matter that always yields crucial results. Through his narrative account, Mueller reveals how powerful and spiritually rewarding prayer can be in your life.
Seven Individual Books with the following Titles–Revival; Psalms; Prayer; Parables; Miracles; Evangelism; and Comfort & Assurance. Sold individually the retail cost would be $75.00.
By Charles Spurgeon
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Prayer is related to every aspect of our lives. Without it, we could not live by the standard of the Bible; we could not praise and thank God; we could not be comforted in times of trouble. E. M. Bounds describes how every Christian can maintain a prayer life that produces results both personally and in the kingdom of God.
142 Pages
Original price was: $14.00.$12.95Current price is: $12.95.
8% Off
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The apostles, on many occasions, heard Jesus preach; yet they never asked Him, “Lord, teach us to preach.” They heard Him teach, but there is no record of their saying, “Lord, teach us to teach.” They saw Him heal the sick, but there is no record of their asking Him, “Lord, teach us to heal.” They did say, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Understanding prayer in your daily life.
Paperback 302 Pages
By Jack Hyles$30.00
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From the moment of his conversion Paul was a man of prayer. His many prayers scattered throughout his letters are among the richest sources in all of Scripture for getting a practical insight into the subject matter of God-honouring prayer.
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Prayer is undoubtedly the most important ministry for our churches, our homes, our marriages, our families, and our country. Why? Because prayer moves the heart of God, and only God can save a dying world or change the outcome of a situation. In Great Prayers in the Bible, Dr. Jack Trieber highlights powerful prayers found in Scripture and urges every Christian to develop a stronger relationship with Christ through the avenue of prayer.
4 in stock
This is a primer on prayer. It is intended to teach Christians how to pray, what to pray for, and why they should expect an answer to their prayers. Here four chapters are taken from Dr. Rice’s larger book, “Prayer–Asking and Receiving”, which is a best-seller on the subject of prayer.
Paperback 54 Pages
By John Rice$6.99
1 in stock
Because prayer is so vital to your faith, it is essential that you comprehend God’s methods of hearing and answering prayer. R. A. Torrey shares spiritual guidelines to prayer learned from years of seeking God and receiving answers. All who put his lessons into practice will find their prayer lives permanently altered.
153 Pages
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A series of practical lessons on the subject of prayer.
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“The intelligent child of God must be driven to say, ‘I must pray, pray, pray. I must put all my energy and all my heart into prayer. Whatever else I do, I must pray.'”
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Prayer is a wonderful gift made available to God’s people—one that every person can enjoy, especially as each prayer is answered. However, oftentimes, we hinder our requests from being met because we do not understand God’s thoughts on the subject. In Men Ought Always to Pray, Dr. Jack Trieber delineates the Biblical view on prayer and encourages every Christian to develop a closer relationship with Him.
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The Personal Prayer Journal is a small booklet that can fit into the palm of most hands. It has a daily request page and is filled with blank pages for you to write your other prayer requests in. The booklet is thin enough to fit into most Bibles.
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“Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.”
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This book will strengthen your faith as you receive God’s promise of faithfulness–His promise to hear your prayers.
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Watch the Lord work in your life as you lift up the people around you in prayer.
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Prayer Journal in 3 ring binder with instruction tape. 15 tabs with subjects such as Confession, Thanksgiving, Family, Church Family and many more. If you are looking for an excellent journal to organize your prayer life this would be an excellent choice.
By Dennis Corle