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Instructions, forms and helps for conducting the many ceremonies a minister is called upon to direct.
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All sixty-four chapters aim to equip ministry leaders with invaluable and practical tips. This book is for “preacher boys” and seasoned pastors alike as it covers the basics such as sermon preparation, prayer and Bible study, and then gives valuable insight in regard to special events, speaking, counseling, hiring staff, the preacher’s library, dealing with troublemakers, accountability, and time for family.
Author Michael Ray
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Package of 6 Certificates of Dedication
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Have you ever wondered? Why pastors leave churches so often? Why some pastors fall in the ministry? Why are there so many church splits? How can I be a blessing to my Pastor? Finally, a book that can help. If You Only Knew Me goes deep within the heart of the pastor, his burdens, and blessings. This book deals with some of the turmoil and unrealistic expectations that the church can lay on the shoulders of pastors. Written with the layman in mind, with the goal of strengthening the relationship with the pastor and parishioner, this book is a valuable read to any person seeking to better understand a pastor’s frustrations, vulnerabilities, and life. If You Only Knew Me is also a great benefit to the shepherd, for him to see his own burdens and problems from a different perspective, and thus being encouraged in his loving and shepherding the congregation that God has called him to.
Author Jerry Beaver
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Excellent commentary on the Book of John. Outstanding resource for the Pastor, Teacher or any serious student of the Word of God. This Sermonic teaching style commentary is fully alliterated with insightful comments.
Author Tom Hayes
Hardback 299 pages$4.00
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All of us who hear preaching are aware that some of it gets through and that some of it does not. Why is this? What, if anything, can preachers do to communicate more effectively? And can this be done without degrading the glory of the gospel message, or detracting from it? This booklet will provide instruction, help, and encouragement to those who are wrestling with these questions.Author Stuart Olyott
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Spiritual leaders lead people to heaven. Here in Seven Leaders are accounts of seven such men, together with the distinctive features of their lives—in John Elias, the necessity of the power of the Holy Spirit; in Andrew Bonar, the reality of communion with Christ; in Archie Brown, the irresistibility of love; in Kenneth MacRae, the need for faithfulness to death; in Martyn Lloyd-Jones, theology and doctrine; in W. J. Grier, passing on the ‘sacred deposit’; and in John MacArthur, the governing authority of the word of God. An Old Testament miracle once took place at a burial. We are told that when the deceased was ‘let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet’ (2 Kings 13:21). Through books, the past can be touched, and the consequence may be as much of God as when Martin Luther handled the old writings of Jan Huss. Records of faithful servants of Christ still speak and can bring new life today.
Author Iain Murray
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‘What do you recommend on preaching?’ is a frequently asked question that can be answered in a variety of ways. There is always much to learn and there are many books to help us. But whatever else a preacher reads, J.C. Ryle’s little masterpiece Simplicity in Preaching is a ‘must read’. Ryle packs more experience and sanctified common sense into two dozen pages than many others manage in a lengthy treatise. And, like all of his work, this one illustrates the very simplicity he commends to others. Here indeed is a work whose value and usefulness is out of all proportion to its length.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON
Author J. C. Ryle
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What you always wanted to know about being a pastor. Includes practical suggestions, helpful worksheets, bibliographies, and more.
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Today many Christians have lost confidence in preaching and have replaced it with other things such as dialogue, films, dancing, and dramatic presentations. ‘Do we need preaching today?’ is a question often asked in many churches. John Cheeseman takes up this question and argues that the church must maintain the priority of preaching for both biblical and theological reasons. He then proceeds to offer helpful instruction and advice on the practical matters of preparing and delivering sermons, before finally turning his attention to the vitally important subject of the character of the preacher. This booklet is an excellent primer for all young men who believe that God may be calling them to become preachers of his Word.
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Well alliterated outlines and thoughts on the pastoral epistles.
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The pastoral visitation of the sick and sorrowful is a spiritual exercise. Its purpose is to bring God’s Word to those in need in the prayerful hope of the Spirit’s blessing upon it. Such visitation is not the preserve of pastors only; it is the duty of the whole church, as our Lord reminded his disciples with the words, ‘I was sick, and ye visited me’ (Matt. 25:36).
How we should visit the sick, and what we should say on our visits to them are the important matters addressed in this most useful book. Written by a spiritual giant of the nineteenth-century church, the book contains much-needed advice and clear guidance. Bonar gathers together a great number of Bible verses that will prove eminently suitable for a wide range of individual cases. These selected scriptures are interspersed with the author’s own brief, spiritual, and helpful comments. Here then is a book that should be in the hands of every Christian visitor. It ought to be consulted prayerfully before embarking with God’s Word to the sick and sorrowful.
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Thy Kingdom Come reveals the principles which transformed the ministries of the apostles and produced tremendous church growth and world evangelization.
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This book was primarily intended as a tool for assistant pastors, church staff members and Christian school teachers, but its principles apply to most anyone who is in a position of following another. Whether we be church members, church workers, or even employees in some business, we have certain responsibilities as followers to be a genuine help to our leaders. Leaders are not born. They are made, made by God’s grace and power. However, they are also strengthened and solidified by those who follow them.
By Andy HarrellBiblical Truths to Help my Brother-in-Law in Bible Preaching / Christian Conduct In Days of Apostasy
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Two books combined to bring you one great book. Fifty nine edifying letters written to his brother-in-law to encourage him. Each one contains a sermon outline and a bit of encouragement. Second Timothy follows with exhortation, more outlines, and exposition of the Epistle written for us “in times like these.”
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How can I improve my stewardship?
Warren Wiersbe has selected thirteen sermons from some of history’s best preachers to help and to inspire those who find themselves facing the awkward topic of stewardship.
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This booklet is small in size, yet rich in valuable training. It is a valuable guide to equip and prepare altar workers to be effective in dealing with people during the invitation. Pastor, this is just what you’re looking for to give to all your altar workers.
Booklet 18 Pages
By Dennis Corle$12.00
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Treatment and proper handling of human relationships and the proper priorities concerning them.
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For those who want a work of quiet scholarship, Philip is not their man. But where there is a desire for the evangelical flame-for words that burn, and reach heart and soul- this volume will clearly show why the gospel can turn the world upside down.
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In this pamphlet, Dr. McDill examines some of the prominent trends in today’s preaching; and he compares what is going on to the example that is set in the Bible. This work contains great information regarding whether or not a preacher is best served by using screens and dramatic media devices to enhance his sermon.
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An exhaustive manual for pastors! Dr. Bob Gray (Longview TX) has compiled over 200 practical principles he has used in his ministry
Bob Gray
Perfect Bound Paperback
8 ½ x 11
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The first part of this dual book includes outlines on sermons and preaching as well as some of the best illustrations and applications. Filled with helps and tips for every pastor, preacher, and teacher of the Word of God. The second part is outlined narration of Peter’s life. Very good reading as well as helpful for those studying the life of Peter or interested in teaching or preaching on this great Apostle.
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The Greatest Fight in the World is a book for every pastor. It will stimulate and inspire an approach to the pastoral task which is orderly and intelligent, and which above all recognises and has confidence in the God from whom the strength to engage in battle comes.
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The greatest of These: Expository Sermons on I Corinthians 13 presents Jones’s insights into the highest of Christian virtues – sacrificial love. “Love is the grace which is better than the greatest of all the gifts. The Christian is out not for any second best, but for the best of all”