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  • $1.50

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    Find The Answer To Life’s Most Pressing Question

  • $10.00

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    A Practical Plan for Spiritual Awakening

    Author Lou Rossi Jr.

  • $12.95

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    Seven of Moody’s Greatest Sermons

  • $14.95

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    A Biblical Journey in Personal Discipleship

  • $18.00

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    Perfectionists will not be comfortable with David. Those who stumble often, but who always turn with melted hearts to God for pardon and help, will find in him a brother for all situations. Such people will love the sacred history of his life and find it totally engrossing.

  • $9.00

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    Satan’s Program for the Church

  • $7.99

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    The plans and blueprints of all God’s work begin with Himself. However, the implementing of those plans involves people. The “Desert House” in one such example. God commanded and Moses executed those instructions. Blessing followed as God’s glory filled that special house in the desert.

    It cannot be overemphasized the teaching of the cross and the centrality of the Saviour and this is what Sam Carson does as he opens up and teaches the meaning of, and the underlying reason for, God’s “Desert House.”

  • $12.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    During the past few years, an issue (which for many Fundamental Baptists seemed to be settled) has arisen that has caused a great stir within our movement. We now have Fundamental Baptist brothers claiming to be King James Only men our of one side of their mouths while out the other they indirectly, and in some cases directly, criticize the very same King James Bible.

    Author Johnny Esposito

  • $4.95

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    What does the Bible say about drinking?

  • $6.00

    8 in stock (can be backordered)

    In all this debate, the question which really cries for an answer is this: Does God have a controversy with the King James Bible? This simple treatise provides Ten Reasons why He does not. It is written for simple laypeople, as Dr. White calls them, who hunger for a copy of the inspired writings of God’s inerrant and infallible Word, and for any preacher who loves the simplicity that is in Christ and His Word (II Corinthians 11:3).

    Author H. Wayne Williams

  • $15.95

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    Full-length Bible Study book for Studies in the Book of Hosea.

  • $4.95

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School class. It contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.

  • $29.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The teacher’s pac includes the full-length book, the teacher’s guide, and a study guide. Each teachers guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log on to Faithfor and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.

    13-week series.

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

    44% Off

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Alberto Series Part 2 – After his salvation, Alberto is a hunted man. No Jesuit can leave his order alive! He reveals the infiltration of Protestant organizations, and warns of false ‘brethren’ in our midst

  • $11.95

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    Living Between The Promise And The Payoff, Lessons From The Life Of Joseph

  • $15.95

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each 13-week series. Class members may desire to obtain this book for further reading.

  • $4.95

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School Class. it contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.

  • $22.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book is the record of the outworking of the grace of God in one whose self-description has long been, ‘Not a profitable servant, but a pardoned sinner.’

  • $13.00

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    The James A. Stewart Library Volume 5

  • $17.00

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    Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is most often remembered as the preacher of Westminster Chapel, London. But his ministry began far from the metropolis, in the industrial setting of Aberavon, South Wales. It was during this time that the sermons in this book were preached, and they show that from the outset of his ministry, Dr. Lloyd-Jones was an evangelistic preacher.

    Dr. Lloyd-Jones was filled with concern that no one should mistake, as he had done in his younger days, nominal Christianity for the real experience of salvation. The sermons reveal great insight into the plight of humanity, and a compassion for the unconverted. They are reproduced here as examples of what gospel preaching ought to be, and in the conviction that they will speak again to the hearts and consciences of new generations.

  • $6.99

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    Discover the life-changing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As God’s divine power flows into your heart and permanently transforms your life, you will excel to new heights in your Christian maturity and experience!

  • $9.95

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    Exploring God’s Word: A 60-Day Devotional for Kids

  • $2.95

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    Dare to engage your everyday battles with confidence in the resources of God

  • $13.95

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    Dare to engage your everyday battles with confidence in the resources of God

  • $12.95

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    In Christ, we not only have forgiveness from God, but now have access to fellowship with God; all through Christ’s death on the cross.

  • $12.95

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    A look at True Biblical Faith through Great Statements of Faith by New Testament Characters. 

  • $13.95

    1 in stock

    The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

    Author Lance Ketchum

  • $16.95

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    This is a detailed study of Hebrews 11. God dedicates an entire chapter to the subject of faith. His purpose is not to duplicate the personalities of faith, but the duplication of the principles of faith.

  • $7.95

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    A look at Biblical Revival through the Life of Simon Peter.

  • $19.00

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    B.B. Warfield stands as one of the greatest of Reformed theologians. He taught for over thirty years at Princeton Seminary, achieving an enormous output of learned and massive books and articles in defense of historic Calvinism.

  • For those that want a close relationship with God, Charles Spurgeon discusses what God has promised wholehearted seekers in His Word. He also details the misconceptions concerning the process of seeking the Lord and points seekers to the following:

    • God’s promises are always fulfilled
    • What it means to be a seeker
    • The joy of finding God
    • The eternal rewards of seeking and finding
    • When to stop seeking
  • $1.50

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    Encouragement for Young Preachers

  • $2.95

    14 in stock (can be backordered)

    Establishing Biblical Direction For New Christians

  • $2.00

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    20 Sermon Outlines from “Light From The Lamp of Truth” Published 1897

    Author F. E. Marsh

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

    0% Off

    15 in stock (can be backordered)

    A couple spends 50 years on the mission field, trusting in their good works. But when they die and stand before God, they learn that good works can’t save… only Jesus can.

    Author Jack Chick

  • $15.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each thirteen-week series. After reading and marking the Scripture passages which correspond to the lesson, the teacher will read the Bible lesson that corresponds with the lesson the Sunday School class is studying. As they read, students should mark key statements or paragraphs to review later. Class members may also desire to obtain this book for further reading.

  • $29.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Teacher’s Packet includes the full-length book, the Teacher’s Guide, and a Study Guide. Each Teacher’s Guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log on to and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.

  • $6.99

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    A gentle exhortation to young Christian girls to dress modestly in an immodest world.

  • $34.99

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    Here is a volume that should be found in every private and public library in America… a meticulously documented look back to the true birth of our nation.

  • $23.00

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    A Survey of the Documents and History of the Bible

  • $14.95

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    This book will challenge your faith, strengthen your courage, and deepen your resolve to go forward for Christ in the face of any fear.

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

    44% Off

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Alberto Series Part 5 – Here is a clear description of how the papacy fulfills Bible prophecies of the antichrist.

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

    0% Off

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Joseph was framed by Potiphar’s wife and ended up in prison. But the same God who delivered Joseph will deliver you.

    Author Jack Chick

  • $8.99

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    The touching story of one of England’s favorite hymnwriters

  • $11.00

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    Morning Devotions by Susannah Spurgeon

  • $15.00

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    This first of Mrs. Glorianne Gibbs’ four devotionals is offered from the heart of a woman who deals with the same challenges we all face on a daily basis, like loving our enemies while living our lives with peace, patience, and meekness. Glorianne discusses being secure in God’s love and depending fully on Him as we follow His leading each day. The book presents the practical wisdom of holding our peace, bridling our tongues, and speaking with compassion and kindness. You’ll be encouraged to run your race and share your faith boldly while keeping your thoughts focused on Christ with thankful hearts.

  • $2.95

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    Rooted In Christ For Spiritual Growth

  • $13.95

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    Rooted In Christ For Spiritual Growth

  • $12.95

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  • $7.19

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    God’s Benefit Plan Some of the most comforting words a Christian could possibly hear from God are, “I want to bless you.” Christ’s teaching shows us that we can come to Him as we are–in need, mourning, oppressed, or hungering–and He will bless us.

  • $12.00

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    The Life And Times of Evangelist Jim Lyons

  • $9.95

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    This book is basically divided into three parts: The refuting of defeatism, which will create new hope and faith in today’s believers. The reestablishing of God’s mandate to develop a vibrant base in training spirit-filled workers. The clear steps in the spiritual exercise which must be followed for revival. These practices are: • Spirit-filled, compassionate preaching • Periods of fasting and praying by God’s people • A rededication to the Lord’s day as God’s day

  • $4.19

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    God has good gifts for you. He is the source of all blessing, all encouragement, and all comfort. Discover his gifts and how you can rely on Him.

  • $4.79

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    God Keeps His Word

  • $3.59

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    In this book, you will capture a new vision of your mission in life. You will discover that you were created to do great things for God and learn to walk in immense power from Him to fulfill His calling in your life!

  • $4.79

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    The writings of Andrew Murray have stirred the hearts of millions of Christians. Through the well-loved passages contained in this book, you will receive power to live daily for Christ.

  • $10.99

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    In this classic devotional, John Calvin urges readers to apply the Christian life in a balanced way to mind, heart, and hand.

  • $8.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    In this classic devotional, John Calvin urges readers to apply the Christian life in a balanced way to mind, heart, and hand.

  • $13.00

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    In this her debut publication, Mary Kate Gygax captures the true story of Alberto and Norma Garcia, Mexican nationals who followed God’s call to become missionaries in Equatorial Guinea, West Africa. Within these pages, the miraculous nature of God’s handiwork and provision despite hardships, poverty, and tragedy is more than evident as the author recounts the story of the Garcia family and their decision to follow God’s will even if it meant ministering on the other side of the earth.

  • $11.99

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    You have inherited thousands of God’s promises, and you don’t have to do a thing to earn them. Charles Spurgeon discusses many of the provisions God has made for all of His children, including everlasting life, spiritual guidance, and unshakable faith. Discover a wonderful security, peace, and richness in your life.

  • $7.00

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    Sixteen of the greatest sermons ever preached

  • $0.75

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  • $10.99

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    Forget the image of the Devil in a red suit carrying a pitchfork. Here is a very real portrait of a very real enemy, Satan. The Bible depicts the Devil as a being of cunning intelligence who is out to derail your faith and your life. Read this book for your own protection so that you can recognize and defeat the strategies of the Devil.

  • $15.95

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    A One Year Discipleship Program For Your Church


  • $15.95

    Available on backorder

    A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each 13-week series. Class members may desire to obtain this book for further reading.

  • $4.95

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    The study guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School Class. It contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.

  • $29.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Teacher’s Packet includes the full-length book, the Teacher’s Guide, and a Study Guide. Each Teacher’s Guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log on to and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.

  • $12.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The goal of this book is to lift the Great Commission out of the grips of a humanistic approach wherein man is the goal and restore God to the proper place as the central focus of world evangelism…The purpose of global evangelism is for God to be glorified by some from every nation. If that conclusion has New Testament credibility, then we must ask ourselves, “Are we fulfilling New Testament missions?”

    Author Charles Keen

  • $9.99

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    The James A. Stewart Library Volume 1

  • $1.50

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    Self control does not work because it is centered around SELF. God has to be in complete control, not self.

  • $7.00

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    Helpful Outlines on Soulwinning, Visitation, and Building a Great Sunday School

  • $1.50

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    Three Cardinal Truths

    Author D. L. Moody

  • $15.95

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each 13-week series. Class members may desire to obtain this book for further reading.

  • $4.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School Class. It contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.

  • $29.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Teacher’s Packet includes the full-length book, the Teacher’s Guide, and a Study Guide. Each Teacher’s Guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log on to and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.

  • $8.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Ryle’s devotional classic has inspired generations of believers since it was first published in 1879. In this slimmed-down version of his master work, excerpts examine such pivotal topics as sin, sanctification, the work of Christ, spiritual growth, the church, and more to challenge a new generation to live a holy life.

  • $13.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Every person has faced, is facing, or will face trials in life. But even in his darkest hour, the Christian has the assurance that there is always hope in Christ! Hope in Troubled Times is a powerful book that challenges every child of God to look to the Savior, rise above his hardships, and conquer them with the Lord’s strength.

  • $6.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This is a handbook for Christian workers who wish to learn the simple principles of the promise of revival. Charles Finney reveals his personal secrets on how to experience revival. These dynamic messages leave no doubts about what it takes to win our world to Christ.

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

    0% Off

    38 in stock (can be backordered)

    Learn how to gain riches you can take with you when you die.

    Author Jack Chick

  • $4.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

  • $2.50

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book will discuss such topics as preparing a budget, establishing priorities, finalizing high school transcripts, and much more.

  • $2.00

    Available on backorder

    “It is a masterpiece of the devil to make us believe that children cannot understand religion. Would Christ have made a child the standard of faith is He had known that it was no capable of understanding His words?”

    “We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fore cannons to call attention to their shining-they just shine.”

    Author D. L. Moody

  • $9.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    When Jesus “made himself nothing … taking the nature of a servant,” He modeled for all believers true humility. Murray calls this “our true nobility” and “the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” In twelve brief but powerful chapters, Murray journeys through Scripture and Christ’s life, underscoring the utmost need for humility—as opposed to pride—in the Christian’s life. With insightful, penetrating clarity, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with His grace. Often called the best work on humility ever written.

    Author Andrew Murray

  • $12.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    For over a century countless readers have found in Andrew Murray a trustworthy guide to the deeper Christian life. As a pastor, evangelist, educator, and writer driven by concern for the spiritual guidance of new converts–and for revival in long-time believers–Murray penned some of the most enduring devotional classics of Christian literature. Though he ministered in a deeply-divided nation, his vision seemed blind to race, class, or political persuasion. And from a remote corner of South Africa, his preaching, teaching, and writing would eventually fuel spiritual awakening with a worldwide impact.

    This edition pairs Humility and Absolute Surrender in one volume. Together these classics reflect Murray’s longing for a closer walk with Christ, and call us to a life of holiness and virtue, empowered not by our own strength but by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

  • $9.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    A verse by verse commentary on I & II Corinthians.

  • $6.99

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    The autobiography of a boy-preacher from 14 to 23 years. The James A. Stewart Library Volume 2

  • $3.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Defeating the Root of Pride and Discovering the Grace of God

  • $12.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Have you ever wondered? Why pastors leave churches so often? Why some pastors fall in the ministry? Why are there so many church splits? How can I be a blessing to my Pastor? Finally, a book that can help. If You Only Knew Me goes deep within the heart of the pastor, his burdens, and blessings. This book deals with some of the turmoil and unrealistic expectations that the church can lay on the shoulders of pastors. Written with the layman in mind, with the goal of strengthening the relationship with the pastor and parishioner, this book is a valuable read to any person seeking to better understand a pastor’s frustrations, vulnerabilities, and life. If You Only Knew Me is also a great benefit to the shepherd, for him to see his own burdens and problems from a different perspective, and thus being encouraged in his loving and shepherding the congregation that God has called him to.

    Author Jerry Beaver

  • $13.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Expository Studies Through the Epistle of James

    Author Lance Ketchum

  • $15.00

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    A defense of the inspiration of the scriptures, a defense of the preservation of those scriptures and a defense of the King James Version of the Holy Bible of God.

    Author Michael Bates