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16 Messages from 1st Peter. Expository, Alliterated, Devotional, Practical. These messages will convey the contextual message and meaning of this Epistle. Not dead commentary, but preaching as delivered from the heart of Pastor Doug Sehorne. A welcome edition to anyone’s library.
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A Story of Mercy is an expositional journey through the book of Jonah. The story of Jonah is more than a mere historical narrative; it is a revelation of the character of God. And the character of God’s abundant mercy clearly shines forth from the pages of Jonah’s story. Preachers and teachers alike will appreciate the comprehensive outline of the book, and believers of every generation will be encouraged as they see clearly manifested the testimony of a God Who “is rich in mercy.”
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Exodus commentary in alliterated style in Bible Student’s Notebook of Expository Outlines.
Dean M. Weaver
8 1/2 X 11 Paperback 132 pages
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The Duty In Deuteronomy – Outstanding Alliterated Commentary in Two (2) volume set on the book of DEUTERONOMY.
We think one of the best commentary sets available on this book.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback Commentary
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20 Sermon Outlines from “Light From The Lamp of Truth” Published 1897
Author F. E. Marsh
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Alliterate Expository Outline on the book of ACTS
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful comments. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback 99 pages
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The Sermon On The Mount alliterated expository outlines On Matthew 5-7
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful comments. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M Weaver
Booklet 27 pages
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Here is another volume (3) in the King James Baptist Practical Sermon Series from the heart of Pastor Doug Sehorne. 170 Pages of Annotated Sermon Notes. Excellent for all Preachers, Sunday School teachers or anyone hungry for the Word of God. Outline, Illustrations, Exposition and Devotional thoughts, make for a great addition to any library.
Author Doug Sehorne
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The Counsel Of Christ To The Churches – Alliterated outline and an abbreviated exposition of Revelation 2:1 to Revelation 3:22
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary on Revelation 2:1 to Revelation 3:22 in Scripture. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean Weaver
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20 Messages / Exposition, Alliteration, Illustration, Application covering all the book of James. Transcribed from audio media so that you can virtually hear these messages as they were preached in the fire of Holy Ghost preaching. Rich in content and practical in application, this will be a valuable addition to anyone’s library.
Author Doug Sehorne
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The Message of Malachi … Alliterated Expository Outlines on the book of Malachi.
Except for an occasional message on tithing the book of Malachi is a neglected book. Dean Weaver preached through the book on Sunday evening services. Malachi is a powerful and penetrating book on the religious practices that almost seem like he is writing about present situations.
If you enjoy the alliteration of John G Butler then you will appreciate Dean M Weaver.
Dean M Weaver
Booklet with 24 pages
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Outlines on the Sovereignty of God
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Well alliterated outlines and thoughts on the pastoral epistles.
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An overall in-depth study on Baptism.
- The Relation of Baptism to Salvation
- Christian Baptism
- The Act of Christian Baptism
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This orderly, systematic and thorough handbook is ideal for use as a reference work or in devotional study.
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A Journal About Jesus From John – Beholding and Believing in the Only Begotten – 36 Outlines from 21 chapters in the book of John.
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful comments. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback 158 pages
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A Story of Grace is an expositional examination of the book of Ruth.
Journeying through Ruth … Rich and full of alliteration
R Craig Burcham
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In this volume a whole year of Bible texts preach their own message. That message is outlined and expounded so that each verse is fastened on memory and heart.
By Ian Paisley
Biblical Truths to Help my Brother-in-Law in Bible Preaching / Christian Conduct In Days of Apostasy
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Two books combined to bring you one great book. Fifty nine edifying letters written to his brother-in-law to encourage him. Each one contains a sermon outline and a bit of encouragement. Second Timothy follows with exhortation, more outlines, and exposition of the Epistle written for us “in times like these.”
Original price was: $9.95.$6.95Current price is: $6.95.
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A clear verse by verse presentation of the book of Daniel.
Doug Howard
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The theme of the book of Hebrews is the superiority of the Person of Christ.
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Bible Studies on the First Epistle of Timothy
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Jesus is seen so clearly in the pages of this book.
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‘I would pray and labour that in gaining breadth we may not lose height, and in gaining peace and love we may not lose purity and truth’.
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Includes First Thessalonians, Second Thessalonians and Galatians.
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The first part of this dual book includes outlines on sermons and preaching as well as some of the best illustrations and applications. Filled with helps and tips for every pastor, preacher, and teacher of the Word of God. The second part is outlined narration of Peter’s life. Very good reading as well as helpful for those studying the life of Peter or interested in teaching or preaching on this great Apostle.
Original price was: $6.00.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
83% Off
134 in stock (can be backordered)
The book of Revelation expounded plainly.