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  • $15.00

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    This first of Mrs. Glorianne Gibbs’ four devotionals is offered from the heart of a woman who deals with the same challenges we all face on a daily basis, like loving our enemies while living our lives with peace, patience, and meekness. Glorianne discusses being secure in God’s love and depending fully on Him as we follow His leading each day. The book presents the practical wisdom of holding our peace, bridling our tongues, and speaking with compassion and kindness. You’ll be encouraged to run your race and share your faith boldly while keeping your thoughts focused on Christ with thankful hearts.

  • $15.00

    10 in stock (can be backordered)

    In all of Mrs. Glorianne Gibbs’ devotionals, she authentically shares from her heart about the challenges faced daily by women of all ages. It’s All About Him, her newest release, will encourage women from all walks of life with the truth of God’s Word and the redemptive power of His Son, Jesus Christ.

    Author Glorianne Gibbs
    101 pages

  • $0.00

    10 in stock

    Exclusive benefit for our email list subscribers only! If not on the list join today and take advantage of this FREE OFFER.

    Modesty A Matter of the Heart is one of the best studies on the topic of Dress.

  • $2.95

    8 in stock (can be backordered)

    Mom, the Heart of the Home was written by Mrs. Cindie Trieber to be a practical encouragement to mothers.

  • $2.95

    2 in stock

    The Mother’s Journal is a special keepsake booklet designed to be an encouragement to ladies.

  • $15.00

    25 in stock

    A sequel to Silk and Purple, this is a book of lessons particularly for wives and mothers from women in the New Testament.

  • $5.95

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

  • $1.95

    4 in stock

    This book explains a mother’s role in the life of her child.

  • $0.60

    2 in stock

    The Bible explains it all, even how to have a christian home.

  • $1.95

    2 in stock

    Satan has declared war on your family! He would love nothing better than to shatter your lives!

  • Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $13.95.

    7% Off

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    Having a Peaceful Heart – A Devotional for Women

  • $7.95

    25 in stock

    Biblical guidelines every Mother and Father should know.

  • $8.00

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE – This book is being reprinted by Prepare Now Resources, this edition is OUT OF PRINT.

  • $12.00

    10 in stock (can be backordered)

    Every expectant parent has a mind full of dreams for his child. These dreams are either realized or shattered during the teen years, making for pleasant or bitter memories after the child is grown.

  • $3.95

    22 in stock (can be backordered)

    What does God expect a mother to be? Explore the ingredients of seven godly mothers in the Bible!

  • $19.95

    25 in stock

    This book aims to help parents and churches raise children to be disciples of Jesus Christ

  • $6.95

    25 in stock

    The most important job and purpose for a lady is doing what God created her to do, being a wife and mother.

  • $15.00

    4 in stock

    Experience lends truth in this educational book.  This book is written by a couple who have reared children who are serving the Lord faithfully in the local church. They deserve your attention to methods they used to rear their children. Written with knowledge and love, it gives a wealth of counsel on Rearing Kids With Character.

  • $2.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

  • $3.60

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Principles for parents.

  • $0.75

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

  • $4.95

    1 in stock

    Applying God’s wisdom to life’s struggles

  • $15.00

    25 in stock

    Bible studies with lessons particularly for wives and mothers from women of the Bible

  • $3.95

    2 in stock

    What are the most important character traits for a child to have? How can I help my child develop these traits? What Bible characters best illustrate godly traits? When should I begin training? These questions and others will be answered within the pages of this booklet.

  • $6.00

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    In a day when many of the new and modern methods of child rearing are clearly proving ineffective, it is helpful to return to solid biblical ideas

  • $11.95

    4 in stock

    An impossibility is simply a platform from which God can work a miracle. God didn’t ask me to be great, just proclaim His greatness.

  • $3.95

    7 in stock

    The teachings of this book are the principles by which Dr. and Mrs. Rice reared six godly, daughters to love and serve the Lord. There are Bible principles given to govern every part of the marriage relationship. This book is a wonderful gift to any husband

  • $1.95

    9 in stock

    In a world where motherhood has lost its true value, it is important to capture the biblical role that mothers should have in the family.

  • $0.75

    2 in stock

    “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6