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The goal of this book is to lift the Great Commission out of the grips of a humanistic approach wherein man is the goal and restore God to the proper place as the central focus of world evangelism…The purpose of global evangelism is for God to be glorified by some from every nation. If that conclusion has New Testament credibility, then we must ask ourselves, “Are we fulfilling New Testament missions?”
Author Charles Keen
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Written by Dr. Charles Keen, this book is about the current state of the Great Commission. Over 50% of the world has never heard the Gospel .
Forward by Dr. Don Sisk
This great book of fourteen sermons are full of encouragement to give our lives to the Great Commission. Dr. Don Sisk says, “Since pastors need to preach on missions and…missionaries should major on preaching about missions when they are in mission conferences, or doing their deputation or furlough, this book could be a great resource for sermons.$12.00
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The goal of this book is to get the reader to rethink his approach to missions…Are we willing to venture outside of our comfort zone of accepted and present practices in our global approach. Dr. Tom Malone, Sr., said “This book has had a tremendous impact on my view of missions. It has helped me to come to a better view of the world, a worldview from the heart.”
Author Charles Keen
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A brief overview of Baptist missions history by David Cummins
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The story of 5 great missionary servants of God: The stories of David Brainerd, William C. Burns, John Eliot, Henry Martyn and John G. Paton.
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The life story of Robert and Trudie Neighbour reads like a novel. This autobiographical account is the story of the miraculous deliverance of these pioneer missionaries during the Colombian Revolution in 1949. Again and again, God directly intervened to save their lives. This is a story that will strengthen your faith!
Paperback 165 Pages
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Witness one girl’s record of sharing her faith at the end of the earth.
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A Biblical Handbook for New Testament Missions
Authors: Paul Chappell and Dwight Tomlinson
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A Survival Guide for Families in the Ministry. The first and only book ever written to help Preacher’s Kids being in the ministry. It is considered to be a classic.
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This book tells the heroic story of William Carey’s passionate advocacy of world mission.