Historical Nonfiction


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    It is interesting to read of men like Bradford of Plymouth, or Lee and Jackson of the army of Virginia just for the purpose of seeing how they totally depended on God.

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    An Introduction to the Puritans in Their Own Words

  • $59.00

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    This is a magnificent two-volume set, calculated to stir the soul and to find a place of honour and affection in every Christian who loves to read the thrilling history of the Scottish church!

  • Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $5.00.

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    112 pages describing the vital contribution of the Christian religion to the American War for Independence, with special emphasis on the Christian ministers and chaplains who were a vital part of that struggle.

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    This biography, written by Mary Lynn Williamson, and originally published in 1898, tells the story in an engaging way that will appeal to young readers, as well as many adults.

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    The Confederate Chaplain’s Story.

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    This book includes quotes of and stories about 14 great Americans.

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    Stories of Civil War Songs is the first published collection of the interesting and authentic backgrounds of the patriotic, sentimental and sacred songs that were written or gained prominence and popularity during the War of 1861-1865.

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    A tale of Ancient Rome.

  • Original price was: $21.99.Current price is: $18.99.

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    Life was bleak for Naomi. Her husband was dead, as were her sons. She found herself in a foreign land with only one friend-her daughter-in-law Ruth. But as she returned to her hometown of Bethlehem, a ray of divine hope broke through the dark clouds of providence. It was the barley harvest, and she wasn’t alone.

This cycle of poems by John Piper tells the story of God’s care for Naomi and the love affair between Ruth and Boaz through the eyes of their son, an aged Obed, as he narrates the account to his eight-year-old grandson David, the future king of Israel. Through this creative work, readers will walk with Boaz from promise to fulfillment, with Ruth from widowhood to motherhood, and with Naomi from death to life.

  • $21.99

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    Having proven himself as a poet, John Piper has written another masterpiece, retelling the story of Esther. This two-part poem begins with Mordecai talking with his teenage cousin Hadassah (Esther), whom he is raising. He explains how her grandfather had a prophetic dream about freedom in the land of Susa, and how his aunt and uncle (Esther’s parents) began the journey. Esther’s mother, he explains, died in childbirth, and her father died only two years later. Part two fast-forwards to Esther looking back and explaining how she became queen to her son, and what God’s providential purposes were in saving the Jews. This moving story is complete with illustrations by artist Glenn Harrington, and will inspire faith in God through fictional poetry about the nonfictional story of Esther.

  • $34.99

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    Here is a volume that should be found in every private and public library in America… a meticulously documented look back to the true birth of our nation.

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    The King James Bible is the most influential book ever published. Follow the history leading up to this great work which proves that the Bible is not an ordinary book, but one that has “…thus saith the Lord…” written in it over a thousand times in different ways.

  • $13.95

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    Originally published in 1854 this volume contains the stories of many lesser known martyrs and how these blessed believers withstood the trials of afflictions.  What kind of church does it take to produce good martyrs?  A Martyr is a witness-a witness for God, for Truth and Righteousness-a witness tried both by action and by suffering, and found faithful through every trial.

  • $7.99

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    This series of messages will make you appreciate the King James Bible, and your Baptist heritage afresh and anew. In this book, Dr. Byers covers the inspiration of the Word of God, God’’s Word in your life, the History of the Bible and the Baptist People through the centuries.

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    Following the Christians Down Through The Centuries or The History of Baptist Churches From the Time of Christ, Their Founder, to the Present Day

  • $6.95

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    America is the greatest nation on earth. Its formation, prosperity, liberty, spirituality, and military might didn’t come to be by mere accident. What made this nation great was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No other group, religious or non-religious, had a greater impact on making America the greatest than the Baptists. Without the influence of the Baptists, America would not be the America we know and love today.

  • $6.95

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    This book will show you through Bible proof that Christ started His church during His earthly ministry. It will also help you to see that there has always been a group of people somewhere, since then, that has had Baptist doctrine, which is Bible doctrine.

  • $29.00

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    Although much has been written on the evangelical revival of the 18th century, J. C. Ryle’s Christian Leaders of the 18th Century remains the best popular introduction to this great spiritual era.

  • $16.00

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    First published in 1882, T. M. Lindsay’s Hand Book on the Reformation is still one of the best summaries of the sixteenth century Reformation available. Understanding the Reformation to be a revival of religion, the author maintains that it cannot be successfully described unless this, its essential character, is kept distinctly in view. Here is a thrilling record of the triumph of the Gospel in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Scotland, and England in short compass. The final section of the book explains the principles that governed the movement for reform. Also contains a valuable chronological summary.

  • $24.00

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    Are our civil and religious freedoms under threat? According to some social commentators we are living in very uncertain times in which the freedoms we have long enjoyed are coming under increasing pressure. The liberty we take so much for granted may not be as secure as we think.

  • $23.00

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    This book outlines the thrilling story of the onward march of the Church of Christ from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. It is not a dry-as-dust account of long-forgotten events and controversies, but rather a moving record of those who undertook the adventure of faith before us and. through their courage and steadfastness, left an example for the church in every age. Reading of the exploits of those who have gone before us, through times of prosperity and times of persecution, should stimulate, warn and encourage the church in our own age to persevere in the same path, and obtain the same everlasting reward.

    Author S. M. Houghton

  • $32.00

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    Within the covers of a single volume, John Howie’s The Scots Worthies offers stirring mini-biographies of the great roll-call of the Christian heroes of Scotland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

  • $8.09

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    The revival of 1859 was real and lasting, every page of this remarkable account by Professor Gibson rings with a sense of reality and authenticity. Every chapter is not only informative, but heart warming and challenging and will stir within the reader a longing that God might revive us again. After 130 years there is a distinct possibility that the events of 1859 in Ulster may be forgotten by some, and unknown by others, but it is the sincere hope of the publishers that the re-printing of this book will bring before this generation the powerful workings of God over a century ago and stimulate in many hearts, especially in those of young people, a desire for such a Divine visitation in our time.

    Author William Gibson

  • Original price was: $44.95.Current price is: $25.00.

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    Feel the breeze off the azure sea and the warmth of the golden sun. Visit the serene and shaded solitude of olive groves and deserted courtyards. Learn what the mute ruins of ancient temples have to say. Dr. Stewart Custer’s photographic masterpiece, Stones of Witness: Images of the Holy Land, provides an alternative to actually touring the Middle East. This magnificent collection includes photos of rural and metropolitan areas, archeological finds, foliage, and Bible landmarks. Minimal text enables readers to connect pictures with biblical significance. Stones of Witness brings you close enough to hear the heartbeat of this ever-captivating place we know as the Holy Land. An accompanying interactive CD multiples the versatility and attractiveness of this outstanding book, enhancing its practically for use in presentations and classroom study, as well as personal research.

    Author Stewart Custer

  • $25.00

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    Dr. Stringer’s book is about world history from a Biblical point of view. This book is not infected with a secular world view but, rather, is written from the perspective of a student of God’s Words who sees God’s plan revealed through the study of history. It is a book that has long been needed for the pastor, missionary, evangelist, and layman.

    Author Phil Stringer

  • $25.00

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    Dr. Stringer has done a masterful job of presenting a history of the world through the prism of Scripture and godly perspective. The current godless, secular culture completely ignores the foundational philosophies and events which have shaped the world in which we live. These are presented factually and carefully in Dr. Stringer’s masterful work. Many highly recommend this work.

    Author Phil Stringer

  • $4.95

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    Has “politically correct” history robbed you of some very important lessons?

    Author Phil Stringer