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    MUST READ for every Baptist.

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    Following the Christians Down Through The Centuries or The History of Baptist Churches From the Time of Christ, Their Founder, to the Present Day

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    This book includes quotes of and stories about 14 great Americans.

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    Written by Dr. Phil Stringer, theses books tell the true stories of some of history’s most world changing people and events. These books also lay to rest some of the many untrue myths and legends of the people and events that have shaped our world.

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    Written by Dr. Phil Stringer, these books tell the true stories of some of history’s most world changing people and events. These books also lay to rest some of the many untrue myths and legends of the people and events that have shaped our world.

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    Written by Dr. Phil Stringer, theses books tell the true stories of some of history’s most world changing people and events. These books also lay to rest some of the many untrue myths and legends of the people and events that have shaped our world.

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    Has “politically correct” history robbed you of some very important lessons?

    Author Phil Stringer

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    112 pages describing the vital contribution of the Christian religion to the American War for Independence, with special emphasis on the Christian ministers and chaplains who were a vital part of that struggle.

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    This new format of Trail of Blood is a beautifully bound paperback book with a color chart in a new typeset that is larger print … it is must reading for anyone desiring to learn the Baptist roots. The Trail of Blood is a classic work by Carroll.

  • $5.95

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    The King James Bible is the most influential book ever published. Follow the history leading up to this great work which proves that the Bible is not an ordinary book, but one that has “…thus saith the Lord…” written in it over a thousand times in different ways.

  • $6.95

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    It is interesting to read of men like Bradford of Plymouth, or Lee and Jackson of the army of Virginia just for the purpose of seeing how they totally depended on God.

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    A tale of Ancient Rome.

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    America is the greatest nation on earth. Its formation, prosperity, liberty, spirituality, and military might didn’t come to be by mere accident. What made this nation great was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No other group, religious or non-religious, had a greater impact on making America the greatest than the Baptists. Without the influence of the Baptists, America would not be the America we know and love today.

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    This book will show you through Bible proof that Christ started His church during His earthly ministry. It will also help you to see that there has always been a group of people somewhere, since then, that has had Baptist doctrine, which is Bible doctrine.

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    This biography, written by Mary Lynn Williamson, and originally published in 1898, tells the story in an engaging way that will appeal to young readers, as well as many adults.

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    The Confederate Chaplain’s Story.

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    Stories of Civil War Songs is the first published collection of the interesting and authentic backgrounds of the patriotic, sentimental and sacred songs that were written or gained prominence and popularity during the War of 1861-1865.

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    This series of messages will make you appreciate the King James Bible, and your Baptist heritage afresh and anew. In this book, Dr. Byers covers the inspiration of the Word of God, God’’s Word in your life, the History of the Bible and the Baptist People through the centuries.

  • $8.09

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    The Covenanters, together with the Puritans, gained freedom in every realm of human living, thus winning and preserving Democracy, and the right to worship God with an open Bible interpreted by all. We owe our way of life, our Constitution and our institutions to them.

  • $8.09

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    The revival of 1859 was real and lasting, every page of this remarkable account by Professor Gibson rings with a sense of reality and authenticity. Every chapter is not only informative, but heart warming and challenging and will stir within the reader a longing that God might revive us again. After 130 years there is a distinct possibility that the events of 1859 in Ulster may be forgotten by some, and unknown by others, but it is the sincere hope of the publishers that the re-printing of this book will bring before this generation the powerful workings of God over a century ago and stimulate in many hearts, especially in those of young people, a desire for such a Divine visitation in our time.

    Author William Gibson

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    A Jewish man seeks revenge for the supposed death of his mother and sister

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    This book will take you on a journey back to the early part of the 5th century. These writings provide such a vivid picture of Patrick himself that the force of his personality and the fervor of his faith still live today.

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    Jonathan Edwards gives his account of the Revival of religion at Northampton, Massachusetts (1735)

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    This book looks back over the century at the development and in some cases the demise of Church Halls which made a lasting impression not only on local communities, but also impacted the world beyond our shores.

  • $12.00

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    This fascinating story grips the heart, stirs the soul and fires the imagination. No one can deny the continuity of the great convictions so dear to Baptists. This book will challenge us afresh to keep them current at all costs. Every Christian should hear and know this blessed story. Rev. A. A. Davis presents the Bible truths and lets the scriptures speak their own message, he turns not to the right nor to the left, but is content to rest his entire discussion with the Word of God.

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    The story of 5 great missionary servants of God: The stories of David Brainerd, William C. Burns, John Eliot, Henry Martyn and John G. Paton.

  • $12.00

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    This selection of ten of Edwards’ sermons provides a fine sample of the God-centredness of his ministry.

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    With simplicity and vigour, he traces the lives of the eleven Christian leaders who ‘shook England from one end to another.

  • $12.95

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    The life of David Brainerd provides a point of reference for those who are given to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Brainerd was a man of prayer and fasting who abandoned himself to God.

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    The Story of John Harper. – John Harper shouted, "Let the women, children, and the unsaved into the lifeboats."