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  • $2.95

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    Fathers, it is your turn! It is time to take position, take action, and take responsibility in your home. What a wonderful privilege it is to fulfill your God-given purpose in life. So, step up to the plate! Get in the batter’s box and do something with this at bat!

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    If our homes are not strengthened, our churches will not be strong. If our churches are not strong and vibrant and experiencing revival, our nation will not experience revival.

  • $0.60

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    The Bible explains it all, even how to have a christian home.

  • $2.95

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    Answers for parents on Christian Education– The world may teach secular knowledge alone, ’tis all she has a heart to do, but the church must not deal so with her offspring; she should look well to every Timothy, and see to it that from a child he knows the Holy Scriptures.

    18 Pages

    By Mike Fox

  • $1.95

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    Satan has declared war on your family! He would love nothing better than to shatter your lives!

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    This collection from God’s word pinpoints specific parenting promises that uplift, comfort and renew fathers by reminding them that God hears their prayers, provides protection and strength, and freely gives to those who ask of Him.

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    Biblical guidelines every Mother and Father should know.

  • $8.00

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    These are methods that Dr. Hyles believed were necessary in the rearing of children to become well-adjusted adults possessing character, integrity, and chastity. This is not a textbook; it is a workbook. It is not exhaustive. Nevertheless, it is offered to your, dear reader, with a sincere prayer that it will help you to train up your child in the way that he should go.

    Paperback 160 pages
    By Jack Hyles

  • $12.00

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    Every expectant parent has a mind full of dreams for his child. These dreams are either realized or shattered during the teen years, making for pleasant or bitter memories after the child is grown.

    By Jack Hyles

  • $19.95

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    This book aims to help parents and churches raise children to be disciples of Jesus Christ

  • $2.95

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    “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

  • $3.60

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    Principles for parents.

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    Satan’s Bid for your child a classic message by Dr Jack Hyles on Satan’s attack on our children

    Jack Hyles


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    What are the most important character traits for a child to have? How can I help my child develop these traits? What Bible characters best illustrate godly traits? When should I begin training? These questions and others will be answered within the pages of this booklet.

  • $6.00

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    In a day when many of the new and modern methods of child rearing are clearly proving ineffective, it is helpful to return to solid biblical ideas

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    The teachings of this book are the principles by which Dr. and Mrs. Rice reared six godly, daughters to love and serve the Lord. There are Bible principles given to govern every part of the marriage relationship. This book is a wonderful gift to any husband

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    “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6

  • $9.95

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    Updated & Expanded – A best seller for many years – This book does reinvent the idea of training, only the biblical principles concerning discipline.

    Paperback 172 pages

    By Michael & Debi Pearl

  • $9.95

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    The greatest gift you can give your children is to train them to be strong in spirit, courageous, unbending in the face of adversity and temptation.

  • $19.95

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    This book is filled with practical biblical ideas to help mothers with every era of child rearing and the parent-child relationship from pregnancy through adulthood. A “must-read” for every mother!

    Hardcover 270 Pages
    By Cathy Schaap

  • $7.20

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    This book examines God’s answer for modern dilemma of the moral problems surrounding today’s youth.