Classics Books


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    The Book of Proverbs – Geneva Series of Commentaries

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    Help on how to improve your prayer time.

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    You have a key role in world evangelism! As you do your part in God’s plan to reach the world, He will work mightily through you and will instill in you the same power the early church had. 

  • $10.79

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    This book will bring the simple message and desire of a great man of God into your heart and soul.

  • $6.95

    13 in stock

    Sam Jones the man was a trophy of the grace of God. His salvation experience is the definition of Psa. 40:2. He preached to an estimated twenty-five million people in his lifetime with 500,000 being saved.

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    This book will inspire the desire for revival today.

  • $26.40

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    Great Dispensational Commentary on the book of Revelation loaded with beautiful illustrations

  • $48.00

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    Complete and unabridged edition

    The Christian in complete Armour is a powerful book that has been referred to by many great preachers including Charles H Spurgeon.

  • $32.00

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    The revival of the Church seems to be closely connected with the condition of its ministry. Bridges sub-titled the study of the Christian Ministry, ‘An Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency’, and, rightly used, it is well suited to promote a faithful and effective ministry.

    The Christian Ministry is Bridges’ best known literary work, but his expositions of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Psalm 119 are also highly valued.

    Bridges begins by considering the general and personal cause of ministerial ineffectiveness, and goes on to examine comprehensively preaching and pastoral work. This book was one of the few which the godly Robert Murray M’Cheyne took with him to the Holy Land, and, in its field, it is without an equal.

  • $398.00

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    This set covers the ranges of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects.

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  • $5.99

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    Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the secret of living moment by moment with a sense of God’s presence. For nearly 300 years, this unparalleled classic has given both blessing and instruction to millions who can be content with nothing less than feeling God’s presence throughout each simple day. 

  • $10.00

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    ‘The power of religion and godliness lives, thrives, or dies, as closet prayer lives, thrives, or dies.’ This was the deeply held conviction of Thomas Brooks. As a pastor who knew his people well, he feared that many Christians did not understand the ‘necessity, excellency, and usefulness’ of private prayer, and that many lived in ‘too great a neglect of this indispensable duty.’

    Focusing on our Lord’s words about ‘closet prayer’ in Matthew 6:6, Brooks supplies us with a masterful treatment of a vitally important aspect of the Christian’s life. His aim is intensely practical: ‘to preserve and keep up the power of religion and godliness both in men’s houses, hearts, and lives.’

  • $8.99

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    F. B. Meyer writes, “The grace of purity and self-control, of fervent prayer and understanding in the Scriptures, of love for men and zeal for God, of lowliness and meekness, of gentleness and goodness–all is in Christ; and if Christ is in us, all is ours also.”

  • Original price was: $12.95.Current price is: $9.99.

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    D L Moody Soul Winner … When Jesus returned to heaven, He left us with a mission–continue His work of bringing lost souls home to the Father. Charles Spurgeon accepted this mission and personally escorted thousands of people into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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    The Ten Commandments – The law is the most perfect expression of His love for His people.

  • $150.00

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    Currently Out of Print with Publisher and out of stock. We can provide volumes 3,4, 5 & 6 but have no date for when volume 1 & 2 will be available.


    The Works of Thomas Brooks 6 Volume Set


  • $12.95

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    The dictionary defines “classic” as that of the highest grade of quality. This great book in the Classic Series, is a collection of “classic” sermons by Tom Malone. This with the other “Classic” books will surely become a collectors series that every pastor and layman will want to have and read.

  • $14.99

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    Through lively anecdotes and biblical teaching, D. L. Moody leads you along the path to God and His Glory.

  • $4.19

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    This large print edition of In His Steps, a timeless classic by Charles Sheldon, tells the story of the Reverend Henry Maxwell and the changes that occurred when he challenged his church not to do anything for an entire year without first asking, “What would Jesus do?” Join the millions around the world whose lives have changed because they dared to ask this vital question.

  • $8.99

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    Calling everyone to prayer.