Classics Books


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    Seven of Moody’s Greatest Sermons

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    For over a century countless readers have found in Andrew Murray a trustworthy guide to the deeper Christian life. As a pastor, evangelist, educator, and writer driven by concern for the spiritual guidance of new converts–and for revival in long-time believers–Murray penned some of the most enduring devotional classics of Christian literature. Though he ministered in a deeply-divided nation, his vision seemed blind to race, class, or political persuasion. And from a remote corner of South Africa, his preaching, teaching, and writing would eventually fuel spiritual awakening with a worldwide impact.

    This edition pairs Humility and Absolute Surrender in one volume. Together these classics reflect Murray’s longing for a closer walk with Christ, and call us to a life of holiness and virtue, empowered not by our own strength but by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

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    Eleven of Buffington’s greatest sermons

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    Eight Of Roberson’s Greatest Sermons

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    ‘The Bondage of the Will’ is fundamental to an understanding of the primary doctrine of the reformation. In these pages, Luther gives extensive treatment to what he saw as the heart of the gospel.

    Author Martin Luther

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    In this book Torrey claims that he is an optimist because he has deeply pondered and believes with his whole heart what the Bible teaches concerning the Second Coming of Christ. Otherwise he would be pessimistic knowing what he does of the social trends in society. Torrey explores the stages of his own experience and the transformation wrought in him by the apprehension of this important doctrine.

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    Murray makes understanding all the new changes to your new life in Christ more understandable.

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    Born in South Africa (1828-1917), Andrew Murray was sent to study in Scotland and Holland. When he returned to South Africa as a pastor and evangelist, he led a revival that shook the country. Murray was the most influential leader of his own church in the 19th century and a model of faithfulness for ours.

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    Talks on the Beatitudes

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    The dictionary defines “classic” as that of the highest grade of quality. This great book in the Classic Series, is a collection of “classic” sermons by Dr. Bob Gray. This with the other “Classic” books will surely become a collectors series that every pastor and layman will want to have and read.

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    The dictionary defines “classic” as that of the highest grade of quality. This great book in the Classic Series, is a collection of “classic” sermons by Charles Spurgeon. This with the other “Classic” books will surely become a collectors series that every pastor and layman will want to have and read.

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    This book helps to strengthen the faith of young people struggling with the modernist beliefs taught in schools.

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    Christian Hall of Fame book 2 contains 20 biographies.

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    A Daily study in the Book of Psalms Volumes 1 and 2

  • $147.00

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    Ryle’s Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture.

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    Compilation of thoughts on Communion, Holy Scriptures, Christ, the Second Coming, Soul-winning, etc.

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    OUT OF PRINT & OUT OF STOCK FROM THIS PUBLISHER … May be available in our used books

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    Guidance and Strength for the Christian’s Life Journey.

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    Murray exposes our selfishness and provides the secret to living in humility.

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    We often hear about the compromise life and the question comes up What lies at the root of it? What is the reason that so many Christians are wasting their lives in the terrible bondage of the world instead of living in the manifestation and the privilege and the glory of the child of God? And another question perhaps comes to us: What can be the reason that when we see a thing is wrong and strive against it we cannot conquer it? What can be the reason that we have a hundred times prayed and vowed, yet here we are still living a mingled, divided, half-hearted life? To those two questions there is one answer: it is self that is the root of the whole trouble.

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    An exposition & exhortation – A prayerful life is always a powerful life; and a prayerless life is always a powerless life.

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    “Indeed we cannot say all that the mysterious word God means to us until we know more about Him.”

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  • $3.59

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    God’s Holy Spirit is available to every believer. He comes as Comforter, a Helper, and a Friend, bestowing power for your life. Andrew Murray, a classic Christian writer with knowledge and experience of the Holy Spirit, will show you the power that God wants to give you. This power from God will allow you to revitalize your prayer life and revive your spiritual walk. Murray will show you the purpose of power, the essential condition of receiving, how to be filled with the Spirit, and how to worship in the Spirit. Are you experiencing all that God has to offer? Come into the fullness of a Spirit-filled Christian life today.

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    Watch the Lord work in your life as you lift up the people around you in prayer.

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    Prayer brings us into vibrant contact with God. In these inspiring pages, you will uncover the prayer secrets of Paul, Jesus, Hudson Taylor, and George Mõller. As you come to know that nothing is impossible with our prayer-hearing God, you will see that He is waiting to abundantly answer you with showers of blessings.