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    The fourteen sermons contained in Saved By Grace Alone were preached in Westminster Chapel, London, on Sunday evenings between 15 April and 15 July 1956. They are a fine example of preaching evangelistically from a consecutive passage of the Old Testament.

  • $19.95

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    The vast majority of professing Christianity is preaching “another gospel, which is not another.” The Apostle Paul says, “they pervert the gospel of Christ.”

    The inclusive “gospel” of Ecumenicism and New Evangelicalism is sweeping through Christianity like a grass-fire. Will God’s children have the doctrinal foundations laid in their lives for the discernment necessary to see through this Satanic deception? Will they be able to wade through all the false teaching on “Grace” being taught by the radio and TV. preachers?

    Saved by Grace Alone will give people tools for the discernment they will need in today’s smorgasbord of theology.

    Author Lance Ketchum

  • $26.00

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    The Atonement Controversy in Welsh Theological Literature and Debate, 1707-1841

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    It is on the basis of Christ’s finished work that we surrender ourselves to God. We do not work up to salvation but down from it. We do not serve to be saved but being saved we serve. A study in Romans.

    Author F. B. Meyer

  • $9.00

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    How Shall Man Be Just with God? asks the subtitle of The Everlasting Righteousness. Here, indeed, is the greatest question a man may ask, and in this brief devotional study Horatius Bonar gives us the answer, an answer not to be found in man himself, but in God and the provision he has made in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Here is a book which delights in ‘the righteousness found only in the substitution of the Lamb, and magnifies the worth and beauty of Christ… Horatius Bonar has given us a clear book of great value on the central doctrine of the church. His poetic style will warm the heart…and his clarity will equip the preacher with a lifetime of precious quotes.’

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    Author Johnny Jones

  • $4.50

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    This book is the definitive essay on the subject of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every aspect of the Christian from Salvation to Death. It is written in an understandable manner and filled with Scriptural references to prove its Biblical basis. No preacher should be without this booklet.

    Author Johnny Jones

  • $1.50

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    In these pages, we examine three purposes Christ has given us for observing this sacred ordinance—to remember Him, to revive our hearts, and to prepare for His return.

  • $7.00

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    An overall in-depth study on Baptism.

    • The Relation of Baptism to Salvation
    • Christian Baptism
    • The Act of Christian Baptism
  • $9.95

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    The Way Into the Holiest is F.B. Meyer’s detailed exposition of the book of Hebrews. It brings to readers rich lessons contained within the epistle. Meyer believed that Christians consistently overemphasized the necessity of religious rituals, ultimately forgetting the surpassing power of salvation and sanctification. Meyer writes of the dignity of Christ and of His glory, reminding Christians of their duty to worship Him. “This Epistle bears no name of author, or designation of church. But it needs neither. In every sentence we can detect the Authorship of the Holy Ghost: and feel that it has a message not to one age, but to all; not to one community, but to the universal Church.” Frederick Brotherton Meyer was a Baptist pastor and evangelist in England, a contemporary and friend of D. L. Moody and A. C. Dixon. Meyer was involved in ministry and inner city mission work on both sides of the Atlantic, authored 40 religious books, numerous articles and was described as The Archbishop of the Free Churches.

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    The recorded spoken words of Christ in one volume taken from the authorized version.

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    A study on maintaining spiritual health.

  • $28.00

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    Charles Hodge’s work on 1 and 2 Corinthians, which is part of the Geneva Series of Commentaries, forms one of the most significant parts of the plan for a series of ‘popular commentaries’ on the New Testament. He projected to do this with J. A. Alexander in the 1850s. When the early death of Alexander prevented the completion of the series, the individual volumes were quickly prized in their own right and went through many editions on both sides of the Atlantic.

    The qualities which have given Charles Hodge’s commentaries such a wide and enduring market are readily to be seen. In the first place they are singularly clear. The technicalities of critical opinion, which soon cause a volume to become dated, are not to be found in his pages. His aim was to produce commentaries which learned and unlearned alike could consult with profit. Believing that he was dealing with the words of the Holy Spirit he endeavored to set out both what those words contain and the effects which their truth should have upon the conscience and life.

  • $8.95

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    Straightforward, Scriptural, and sometimes shocking, The Teenage Years of Jesus Christ is a must read for any Christian who longs to please the Lord with his life.

    Jerry Ross

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    Discover the most effective role model for discipleship, as seen in Mark’s gospel.

  • $5.35

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    The lovely Mrs. Frances Hoffman has picked “flowers” out of her life and given them to us to enjoy with her. Allow the fragrances to charm you, the beauty to entice you to meditate on Christ.

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    Advice and Admonition from Biblical Figures

  • $12.00

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    CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON was a man captivated, comforted, and revolutionized by Christ: here you’ll see why. He brings home what it means for the believer that Christ is the End of the law, the Conqueror of Satan, the Overcomer of the world, the Maker of all things new, the Spoiler of principalities and powers, the Destroyer of death, and the Seeker and Saviour of the lost.

  • $30.00

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    Christ’s Doctrine of the Atonement, like its companion volume on the Apostles’ doctrine, is a work to be read and re-read. Those who possess it will often find themselves instinctively turning to consult Smeaton for insight on passages where other works have failed them.

  • $19.95

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    Excellent Christian Manhood manual. If you ONLY get one item for teaching Manhood then this is our highest recommendation!!! Great for Homeschool and/or Sunday School.



  • $19.95

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    An In-Depth Study of the Practices and Potential of Twenty-first Century Local Churches

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    Provides a Biblical analysis of the error of the “Jesus in the Fires of Hell” theory.

  • $8.99

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    As children, we were taught that parables are earthly stories with a heavenly meaning and that Jesus through His use of parables showed He was the best story-teller of all time. Every parable in these pages is designed to point people to Him. Inspirational writings to encourage and uplift the heart.

  • $11.95

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    This book is designed to help you reach your potential in what God would have you to do and what He would have you to be.

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    God created and established the work ethic in the garden of Eden. But to all too many people, the word work is a dirty, four-letter word. They look at it like a cuss word. They disdain the word "work." Yet the work ethic is what has made America great.

  • $11.95

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    “And beside this, giving all dilligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.” – II Peter 1:5-8

  • $3.00

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    A volume that answers many of the most common questions that believers may have such as, “Am I truly converted?”, “And If I do Backslide?” and many others.

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    The Life of Gideon: A Mighty Man of Valour

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    Learn the Keys to Soul Winning

  • $3.59

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    Many people view Christ’s return to the earth as either improbable or dreadful. However, for those who know Him personally, His return will be a day of joy, transformation, and reunion. You can be ready for the greatest day the world has ever seen!