Baptist History


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    A history of the Baptists in Kentucky … The First Fifty Baptist Churches in Kentucky” provides a chronological history of the early Baptist churches located within the boundaries of the Bluegrass State. Regular Baptists and Separate Baptists

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    The Baptist Preacher who met with future president James Madison under the old oak tree in Orange VA, 1788.

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    As a young woman, after hiding God’s Word in her heart, Mellie was called upon to defend her position with the learned Doctor of theology from her childhood church. She was able to stand only on the Truth of the Word of God to defend her position, and her testimony was a great influence in the Community.

  • $14.96

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    Primarily, this book was written to be used as a basic primer on Baptist history covering the history of the Baptists up to this present day. Some of our Baptist forefathers were lauded, but many of them knew the flames of persecution. This book, though not a footnoted, detailed treatise, will help both laymen and preachers understand the sacrifice and significance of our heritage.

  • $34.95

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    An interesting daily devotional. A collection of 366 captivating vignettes of people and events from Baptist history, accompanied by a passage from the Bible for each day of the year.

  • Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $29.95.

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    Daily devotions in Baptist History. These selections spotlight men and women whose lives are challenging and inspirational and whose testimonies help establish a foundational understanding of what it means to be a Baptist.

  • $5.95

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    This new format of Trail of Blood is a beautifully bound paperback book with a color chart in a new typeset that is larger print … it is must reading for anyone desiring to learn the Baptist roots. The Trail of Blood is a classic work by Carroll.

  • Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $16.95.

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    7 in stock

    This new format of Trail of Blood is a beautifully bound paperback book with a color chart in a new typeset that is larger print … it is must reading for anyone desiring to learn the Baptist roots. The Trail of Blood is a classic work by Carroll.

    The Baptist Story

    This fascinating story grips the heart, stirs the soul and fires the imagination

  • $3.95

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    MUST READ for every Baptist.

  • Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $6.95.

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    Concise booklet explaining the Baptist position by Clarence Larkin