Baptist History


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  • $9.99

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    The Baptists today are easily the largest Christian group in the southern portion of the United States. . . . The triumph of free-church principles in the Revolutionary era, the homogeneity of southern people, and the rise of the common man and the economically depressed in the South are among the factors which have contributed to Baptist growth in the region.

    Author William Lumpkin

  • $16.00

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    The author presents a real-world perspective of fundamentalist institutions and individuals who are considering merging into the evangelical mainstream or have already done so.

    The book is a wealth of church history of the 20th and 21st centuries, particularly as it relates to the fundamental, independent Baptist movement.

    The reader will also find insightful chapters on Christian music as well as why institutions shift from a fundamentalist to an evangelical position.

    David H. Sorenson


  • $6.95

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    This book will show you through Bible proof that Christ started His church during His earthly ministry. It will also help you to see that there has always been a group of people somewhere, since then, that has had Baptist doctrine, which is Bible doctrine.

  • $6.95

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    America is the greatest nation on earth. Its formation, prosperity, liberty, spirituality, and military might didn’t come to be by mere accident. What made this nation great was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No other group, religious or non-religious, had a greater impact on making America the greatest than the Baptists. Without the influence of the Baptists, America would not be the America we know and love today.

  • $3.95

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    Following the Christians Down Through The Centuries or The History of Baptist Churches From the Time of Christ, Their Founder, to the Present Day

  • $7.99

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    This series of messages will make you appreciate the King James Bible, and your Baptist heritage afresh and anew. In this book, Dr. Byers covers the inspiration of the Word of God, God’’s Word in your life, the History of the Bible and the Baptist People through the centuries.

  • $7.00

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    Questions are answered that have been asked for many years about the history of the Baptist Church and its influence in religious liberty. Read the conclusions of historians on queries about Biblical baptism and the impact of the Reformation on the True Bible Believing Christians. Religious liberty was planted by Baptist hands and watered by Baptist blood.

  • $7.00

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    Baptists that came to America for religious freedom did not initially find it here. They were persecuted severely because they did not believe in infant baptism; because they did believe in baptism by immersion; and because they stood for the Truth of the Word of God.

  • $13.95

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    Originally published in 1854 this volume contains the stories of many lesser known martyrs and how these blessed believers withstood the trials of afflictions.  What kind of church does it take to produce good martyrs?  A Martyr is a witness-a witness for God, for Truth and Righteousness-a witness tried both by action and by suffering, and found faithful through every trial.

  • $3.95

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    John Clarke, Founder of the First Baptist Church in America.

  • $3.95

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    Obadiah Holmes, Imprisoned and Beaten for His Faith.

  • $3.95

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    Samuel Harriss, Virginia’s blazing comet

  • $3.95

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    William Carey, The Man that Awoke Two Continents to the Cause of World Missions

  • $5.00

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    John Taylor, the Flaming Wilderness Preacher

  • Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $16.95.

    6% Off

    7 in stock

    This new format of Trail of Blood is a beautifully bound paperback book with a color chart in a new typeset that is larger print … it is must reading for anyone desiring to learn the Baptist roots. The Trail of Blood is a classic work by Carroll.

    The Baptist Story

    This fascinating story grips the heart, stirs the soul and fires the imagination

  • Original price was: $5.95.Current price is: $5.00.

    16% Off

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    The Baptist Preacher who met with future president James Madison under the old oak tree in Orange VA, 1788.

  • $14.99

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    Companion Study guide for America in Crimson Red by James Beller.
    Great for home school, high school or self study.

    Jeremy Beller

  • $7.95

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    The Baptists of colonial America were men of iron, purified in the forge of adversity…

  • $6.95

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    As a young woman, after hiding God’s Word in her heart, Mellie was called upon to defend her position with the learned Doctor of theology from her childhood church. She was able to stand only on the Truth of the Word of God to defend her position, and her testimony was a great influence in the Community.

  • $12.00

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    A history of the Baptists in Kentucky … The First Fifty Baptist Churches in Kentucky” provides a chronological history of the early Baptist churches located within the boundaries of the Bluegrass State. Regular Baptists and Separate Baptists

  • $9.95

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    “Within the chapters of this book I will show you that Jesus started a Baptist church with the 12 Apostles. You will learn that Jesus started a visible, local church made up of saved, baptized believers. You will learn that there is no such thing as a universal, invisible church taught in the Bible. You will see the difference between being “in Christ” and “in the body.” You will also learn the origin of many of the denominations we have in our day, and why they are not true New Testament churches.”

    – Evangelist Dan Goodwin, author.

  • $11.95

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    A coloring primer of Baptist biographies

  • $14.95

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    A Briefing for Baptist Parents and Leaders

  • $14.96

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    Primarily, this book was written to be used as a basic primer on Baptist history covering the history of the Baptists up to this present day. Some of our Baptist forefathers were lauded, but many of them knew the flames of persecution. This book, though not a footnoted, detailed treatise, will help both laymen and preachers understand the sacrifice and significance of our heritage.

  • $20.00

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  • Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $6.95.

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    Concise booklet explaining the Baptist position by Clarence Larkin

  • $11.95

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    This book is a treasury of literary testimony to the truth that God has called His choice servants to a life of suffering and sacrifice. The modern day Christianity we so loosely profess and so lightly possess blushes in the presence of the martyrs and maidens found in The Bible Makes Us Baptists.

  • Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $5.95.

    26% Off

    Show America’s Christian heritage

  • $29.95

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    Baptist History

  • $6.95

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    Tracing through the Separates the Influence of the Great Awakening, 1754-1787

  • $5.00

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    A brief overview of Baptist missions history.

  • $3.95

    26 in stock (can be backordered)

    MUST READ for every Baptist.

  • $12.00

    14 in stock (can be backordered)

    This fascinating story grips the heart, stirs the soul and fires the imagination. No one can deny the continuity of the great convictions so dear to Baptists. This book will challenge us afresh to keep them current at all costs. Every Christian should hear and know this blessed story. Rev. A. A. Davis presents the Bible truths and lets the scriptures speak their own message, he turns not to the right nor to the left, but is content to rest his entire discussion with the Word of God.

  • $34.95

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    An interesting daily devotional. A collection of 366 captivating vignettes of people and events from Baptist history, accompanied by a passage from the Bible for each day of the year.

  • $5.95

    9 in stock (can be backordered)

    This new format of Trail of Blood is a beautifully bound paperback book with a color chart in a new typeset that is larger print … it is must reading for anyone desiring to learn the Baptist roots. The Trail of Blood is a classic work by Carroll.

  • Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $29.95.

    14% Off

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    Daily devotions in Baptist History. These selections spotlight men and women whose lives are challenging and inspirational and whose testimonies help establish a foundational understanding of what it means to be a Baptist.

  • $7.95

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    A guide to Baptist history

  • Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $37.50.

    4% Off

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    America in Crimson Red contains a wealth of information about our Baptist heritage.