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    This book will challenge your faith, strengthen your courage, and deepen your resolve to go forward for Christ in the face of any fear.

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    The Life And Times of Evangelist Jim Lyons

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    The autobiography of a boy-preacher from 14 to 23 years. The James A. Stewart Library Volume 2

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    The autobiography of John G. Paton contains everything necessary to make it a missionary classic.

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    This is the inspiring autobiography of Richard Hobson whose ministry, under the blessing of God, transformed the working-class district of Windsor in Liverpool.

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    Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch watchmaker who became a heroine of the Resistance, a survivor of Hitler’s concentration camps, and one of the most remarkable evangelists of the twentieth century. In World War II she and her family risked their lives to help Jews and underground workers escape from the Nazis, and for their work they were tested in the infamous Nazi death camps. Only Corrie among her family survived to tell the story of how faith ultimately triumphs over evil.

    Here is the riveting account of how Corrie and her family were able to save many of God’s chosen people. For 35 years millions have seen that there is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still. Now The Hiding Place, repackaged for a new generation of readers, continues to declare that God’s love will overcome, heal, and restore.

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    In Graham Miller’s autobiography, A Day’s March Nearer Home, we discover why there is seldom a day of national mourning appointed for an evangelical, as happened in Vanuatu upon his death of Graham Miller in 2008.

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    Volume 1 & 2: The Early Years & The Full Harvest – The story of Spurgeon’s life, largely in his own words, from the events of childhood and youth and through the period of his mature ministry. Here is an inspiring record of a Christian life which continues to be of blessing for so many.

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    Preface and Reflections By Jonathan Edwards. This book changed the life of Henry Martyn; in his own words: David Brainerd. Oh! Blessed be the memory of that beloved saint! No uninspired writer ever did me so much good.

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    The life of the beloved hymn writer, told in her own words.

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    Margaret Stringer bravely enters a land where cannibalism runs wild.

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    An autobiography on John Bunyan

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    Growing old, approaching heaven, getting closer to saying goodbye to this world should be an experience of real joy and not of grief. This book is written so that those of us who are growing old might reap from that experience that last harvest of spiritual joys before entering into the unending joys of our homecoming to the Father’s house.

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    This volume, first published in 1853, contains a selection of his correspondence, edited by his son-in-law and biographer, William Hanna.

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    The true life account of a missionary couple’s faith and God’s provisions in the jungles of South America.

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    Joe Martin’s life is a story of an unwavering faith in the Lord and a genuine love for the children that has had Joe traveling down life’s highways bringing children to church for more than 40 years. Only eternity will tell all that his tireless commitment has accomplished!

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    Peter Cartwright (1785-1872) without a formal education, equipped only with a Bible, hymnbook and a copy of the Methodist Discipline, the outspoken, hellfire-brimstone preacher covered circuits on horseback through Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois for over 50 years, preaching more than 15,000 sermons and baptizing over 12,000 converts.

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    An autobiography by Tom Williams, a man of God.

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    A vivid and gripping account of old times and customs and of the author’s fight with alcohol addiction before finding lasting peace.

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    From serving God to knowing Him

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    The world can do nothing to a Christian who has no fear of man. – Brother Yun a Chinese Christian his story

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    The Story of Corrie Ten Boom

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    A Missionary Story

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    A great autobiography on Ron Allen, veteran of Vietnam. The story of how a man found peace in God.

    Jerry Ross