Dr. John R. Rice



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  • $9.95

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    A verse by verse commentary on I & II Corinthians.

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  • $11.95

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    Dr. Rice’s burden was that all of God’s people learn the secrets of prayer and receive the blessings that it brings. His book “Prayer-Asking and Receiving”  serves as a manual to instruct us in this matter.

  • $0.60

    4 in stock

    What it is
    Who commits it
    How to know it

  • $3.95

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    Lessons on the book of Revelation made simple and easy.

  • Original price was: $26.95.Current price is: $9.95.

    63% Off

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    An album of six tapes that will inspire you to please Christ and win lost souls to Him.

  • $9.95

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    Some of the best poems for enjoyment and use of Christians compiled by Dr. John R. Rice

  • $9.95

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    Written after 46 years of evangelistic experiences of every kind.

  • $2.65

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    An honest, straightforward approach, this book clearly shows the danger of sin and the need for continual cleansing.

  • $19.95

    4 in stock

    This is Dr. Rice’s largest commentary and one of the very best.

  • Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $9.95.

    34% Off

    37 in stock

    This songbook contains all 60 songs that Dr John R Rice wrote in his lifetime. The songbook is a collectors item now. Dr. John R. Rice has graduated on to Heaven now but he left us with these beautiful songs to enjoy.

  • $0.60

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    A study of the first man and woman…

  • $1.95

    9 in stock

    In a world where motherhood has lost its true value, it is important to capture the biblical role that mothers should have in the family.

  • $0.60

    2 in stock

    The Bible explains it all, even how to have a christian home.

  • $0.60

    1 in stock

    There is an alternative for divorce. Read what Dr. Rice says about restoring lost love and happiness in marriage.

  • $9.95

    3 in stock

    Classic book by John R Rice on Revival

  • $14.95

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    One of the classics of the modern church, this work on the power of the Holy Spirit is without equal. Written by a man with a personal knowledge of the subject, it is not a dry textbook but a heart-cry for the power of God.

  • $12.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Dr. Rice gives proper answers to questions about church organization, the independent church structure, and missionary emphasis for the church. Above all, he exalts the power of Spirit-fullness for service and exhorts every believer to realize that

  • $3.95

    3 in stock

    Let this little booklet show you how you can lead a happy, prosperous Christian life, highlighting these 7 things: Assurance of Salvation, Baptism, Church Membership, The Bible, Prayer, Giving and Soul Winning.

    Booklet 64 Pages
    By John Rice

  • $1.95

    4 in stock

    Daniel provides the clearest Old Testament picture of the second coming Christ. Here Dr. Rice plainly expounds the meaning of Daniel’s visions and what they have to tell us about the imminent return of Christ. He shows the order of events surrounding the second coming of Christ with no speculation nor theories, but what the Word plainly teaches. This book is excellent for class study; especially is it helpful in understanding the Book of Revelation. A companion booklet to this title is “Bible Lessons on the Book of Revelation,” also by Dr. Rice.

    Booklet 43 Pages

    By John Rice

  • $5.95

    2 in stock

    Is the Christian more accountable to God than the unsaved? Are there consequences in this life for sin? Is it possible for a believer to shorten his earthly life? Can one get out of God’s will and still come back to a place of usefulness in God’s service? God’s solution is revival. Dr. Rice presents Bible messages that reprove, rebuke and exhort the Christian to live consistently for God and to make a new start if you have gotten out of His will. This book shows Christians how to return to the road to victory! A stirring introduction was written for this book by the late evangelist, Hyman Appelman.

    Paperback 253 Pages
    By John Rice

  • $3.95

    4 in stock

    This is a primer on prayer. It is intended to teach Christians how to pray, what to pray for, and why they should expect an answer to their prayers. Here four chapters are taken from Dr. Rice’s larger book, “Prayer–Asking and Receiving”, which is a best-seller on the subject of prayer.

    Paperback 54 Pages
    By John Rice

  • $6.95

    3 in stock

    As a Christian, you are the most important person in the world today, performing the most critical task in the world, that is, pointing people to Christ. Read this book and Dr. Rice will challenge you to reassess your personal spiritual growth. Read every heart-warming word and begin now to make a grand success of your Christian life.

    Paperback 234 Pages
    By John Rice

  • $4.95

    10 in stock

    Help for the hurting heart is found in a proper understanding of the wonderful place God has prepared for us. This little book continues to be a great seller year after year and there are now well over half a million in print. It is eight chapters long and is perfect as a gift for those who are mourning the loss of friends and relatives.

    Paperback 55 Pages
    Bu John Rice

  • $2.95

    5 in stock

    Is it legalistic to have standards? Are all fundamentalists hopelessly outdated? Dr. Rice gives clear Bible principles to guide Christians in deciding what is right and wrong in their entertainment. This book emphasizes the importance of glorifying God in all that we do. Proper amusements for Christians are discussed from a threefold premise: first, everything to be done to the glory of God; second, the Bible has the answer to every problem; third, serving Christ is a happy business. Good times mean sweet fellowship with the Lord Jesus; good times with no regrets, no sad tomorrows, no reaping of wild oats and no burning of guilty consciences.

    Booklet 48 Pages
    By John Rice

  • $14.95

    5 in stock

    Dr. Rice has written a Scripture-filled guidebook for every Christian who wants to obey Christ’s great command-to win souls. He illustrates his points with stories of people he himself won to Christ, showing how we too can be successful soul winners. Dr. Rice writes in a very easy-to-read and practical manner, using numerous illustrations from his own life and ministry.

    Paperback 264 pages

    By John Rice