Jack T. Chick



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  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    35 in stock (can be backordered)

    When a youth finds Christ, he becomes a nightmare for the demons trying to stop him.

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    23 in stock (can be backordered)

    Who loves you so much He gave you life and left heaven to die for you? It was Jesus!

    By Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

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    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Satan, as an “angel of light,” is turning men from God through idolatry, false religions, politics and secret societies.

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    21 in stock (can be backordered)

    Show Catholics that neither their good works nor their religion can save them.

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    38 in stock (can be backordered)

    Bob was mean and didn’t need God, until he nearly died in jail.

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

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    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This takeoff on horror films reveals the truth about Halloween.

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

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    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    After assassins fail twice to kill Dr. Morse, the Crusaders are assigned to accompany him on his trip to Israel. In the process, they get an inside view of Bible prophecy, and what lies ahead for the world. Like all of Jack Chick’s classic comic books, this ends with a call to accept Jesus Christ.

    By Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    6 in stock (can be backordered)

    Through Charlie’s ants, young readers learn that God became man to die for us. Great salvation message!

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    67 in stock (can be backordered)

    When Cleo is rescued from the animal shelter, her owner learns how Jesus redeemed us.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    45 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Bible in a nutshell. How the world began, how sin entered the world, and why we must trust Jesus.

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

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    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Alberto Series Part 2 – After his salvation, Alberto is a hunted man. No Jesuit can leave his order alive! He reveals the infiltration of Protestant organizations, and warns of false ‘brethren’ in our midst

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

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    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    An Indian boy pays a high price for his fascination with the occult. But the Crusaders cast out a demon, and lead the boy and his family to Jesus

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    15 in stock (can be backordered)

    A couple spends 50 years on the mission field, trusting in their good works. But when they die and stand before God, they learn that good works can’t save… only Jesus can.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

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    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Alberto Series Part 5 – Here is a clear description of how the papacy fulfills Bible prophecies of the antichrist.

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Joseph was framed by Potiphar’s wife and ended up in prison. But the same God who delivered Joseph will deliver you.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

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    67 in stock (can be backordered)

    A hired killer trusts Christ and, at death, goes to heaven. But the law-abiding marshal who hunted him rejects Christ and goes to hell. Clearly shows that salvation is through grace, not works.

    By Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.17.Current price is: $0.13.

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    50 in stock (can be backordered)

    A little boy decides to obey God, and a wounded veteran’s life is completely changed.

  • $6.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Includes 6 sizzling hot Chick tracts tackling six of the hottest issues of our time

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    38 in stock (can be backordered)

    Learn how to gain riches you can take with you when you die.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

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    32 in stock (can be backordered)

    The story of Scrooge-with one vital twist – he gets saved! An unforgettable salvation message.

    By Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

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    60 in stock (can be backordered)

    Noah’s flood … it’s true! Here is how it happened.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $3.50.Current price is: $2.50.

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    Available on backorder

    This full color comic teaches many major Bible stories, from Genesis to Revelation. And along with each story, scripture references show readers where they can find that story in their Bible. Many young people find the stories leave them hungering for more, which leads them to deeper Bible study.

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    67 in stock (can be backordered)

    God has promised to judge those who turn against Israel and bless those who support her.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

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    14 in stock (can be backordered)

    Suicide…The subject is common among teens today. But when Lance decides it is the only way out of his troubles, he discovers that hell is not the party place described in popular songs.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    20 in stock (can be backordered)

    Using just pictures and very few words, this tract shows that Jesus is the only way to obtain eternal life. Great for children!

    By Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

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    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Meet the Crusaders as they smuggle Bibles into forbidden territory and lead a spy to Christ. Compelling salvation message

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

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    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Frank Connelly is the producer of a television series based on evolution. But his meeting with the Crusaders and their friend, Dr. Lind, will change his opinion on what he’s producing. Dr. Lind spends time with the producer discussing various “facts” of evolution. With proof presented to him, Frank Connelly is convinced evolution is not the truth. This comic proves that the “science” of evolution can only be labeled as misleading theory. Many are being brainwashed in the schools and through the media into believing the Bible is false and that evolution is a scientific fact. Now it’s time they are told the truth!

    By Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

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    12 in stock (can be backordered)

    Sergei is dying of cancer. The man in the bed next to him tries to win him to Jesus. A compelling story with a happy ending.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

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    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    For thousands of years, Satan has tried to discredit God’s Word. Bible schools are now teaching that the Bible does not contain God’s word. When the Crusaders help a former Bible student whose life had been shattered by this lie, they take him to meet a man who will introduce him to Bible History 101. See the struggle through the ages to keep God’s Word pure, and learn which Bible can be trusted…and why!

    By Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

    44% Off

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    His face marred by racial violence, Kruma grew up full of hate. But when a strange man saves his life, he learns that God loves everyone, regardless of skin color.