J.C. Ryle


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  • $29.00

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    Being a Few Truths For the Times: Sermons in some cases, lectures in others, they all exhibit the robust evangelical doctrine and down-to earth application, characteristic of Ryle’s style. With a vibrant challenging note and an occasional flash of humour, reliable advice, grounded in Biblical principles, is offered to ministers and congregations, parents and children, young and old, converted and unconverted.

  • $10.00

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    This book contains six studies on John chapter 11—one of the most remarkable chapters in all the New Testament. It deals with themes most useful and interesting to all professing believers.

  • Original price was: $7.50.Current price is: $5.00.

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    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    Whitefield was not only the greatest preacher and orator of the eighteenth century, he was also one of its most saintly characters, if not the saintliest of all. Certainly there was no more humble or lovable man amongst them. What can be more profitable, next to the Bible itself, than to read something of the life of such a man and to read his own words!

  • $29.00

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    "With all the stir made about education," Ryle wryly observed, "the ignorance of our own country’s history is something lamentable and appalling and depressing."

  • $8.00

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    To J. C. Ryle, the inspiration of the Scriptures was ‘the very keel and foundation of Christianity’, the underpinning without which Christians had no warrant for doctrine or practice, ‘no solid ground for present peace or hope, and no right to claim the attention of mankind’.

  • $12.00

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    It was the increasing conviction that martyrs, though dead, can still speak to the church, which led Bishop J.C. Ryle to pen these pungent biographies of Five English Reformers last century.

  • $147.00

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    Ryle’s Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture.

  • $12.00

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    With simplicity and vigour, he traces the lives of the eleven Christian leaders who ‘shook England from one end to another.

  • $2.00

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    Worship: It’s Priority, Principles, and Practice

  • $7.00

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    Strong convictions and clarity of expression always mark Ryle’s writings. Nowhere is this more evident than in the addresses and articles brought together as Warnings to the Churches.

  • $3.00

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    ‘What do you recommend on preaching?’ is a frequently asked question that can be answered in a variety of ways. There is always much to learn and there are many books to help us. But whatever else a preacher reads, J.C. Ryle’s little masterpiece Simplicity in Preaching is a ‘must read’. Ryle packs more experience and sanctified common sense into two dozen pages than many others manage in a lengthy treatise. And, like all of his work, this one illustrates the very simplicity he commends to others. Here indeed is a work whose value and usefulness is out of all proportion to its length.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

    Author J. C. Ryle

  • $5.39

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Contains J.C. Ryle’s famous sermon on heaven as well as sermons by Moody, Spurgeon, Sunday, and McCheyne.

  • $16.00

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    No Christian who reads any one of these papers will be left unaffected. ‘Believer in Christ, remember this! Whatever you do in religion, do it well. Be real. Be thorough. Be honest. Be true.’

  • $29.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    No Christian who reads any one of these papers will be left unaffected. ‘Believer in Christ, remember this! Whatever you do in religion, do it well. Be real. Be thorough. Be honest. Be true.’

  • $29.00

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    Knots Untied is J. C. Ryle’s leading work in defense of the evangelicalism of the Church of England. When first published in 1874 it proved immensely popular, and by 1885 it was reprinted in a tenth edition.

  • $8.99

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    Ryle’s devotional classic has inspired generations of believers since it was first published in 1879. In this slimmed-down version of his master work, excerpts examine such pivotal topics as sin, sanctification, the work of Christ, spiritual growth, the church, and more to challenge a new generation to live a holy life.

  • $29.00

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    Although much has been written on the evangelical revival of the 18th century, J. C. Ryle’s Christian Leaders of the 18th Century remains the best popular introduction to this great spiritual era.

  • $2.50

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    Prayer under the blessing of God leads to the new birth, strengthens faith, moves mountains, and promotes spiritual growth and contentment that rises above circumstances.