Ed Dunlop


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    Book 3 in “The Young Refugees” series.

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    Ed Dunlop is a children’s evangelist whose numerous books are popular with young people and adults alike. In this book, he has given us a thought-provoking treasure. Travel along with Jed and Mandy through heartbreak, danger and God’s provision. Experience with them the fact that in spite of true hardship and genuine challenges, God sees, seeks, forgives and welcomes into His Home anyone who will come.

  • $10.00

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    The young detectives find themselves in a life-or-death race for time as a countdown threatens the life of a kidnapped young heiress. Sherlock’s brainpower is put to the test as he searches for lifesaving clues in the intricate world of computer technology. For he-and he along-is left to unlock the secrets upon which Lisa Diamond’s life depends.

  • $10.00

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    The summer day held little promise fro anything extraordinary when Penny Gordon and her friend-called “Sherlock”-set out to put their hard-earned cash in the only bank in Willoughby. However, not only do they happen on a robbery in progress, but also a good friend ends up being blamed! Naturally, nothing in the case gets past detective Sherlock. The hard part always seems to be convincing the grown-ups in charge that Sherlock is right!

  • $5.95

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    The Thousand-Mile Journey—The Story of a Brave Labrador, an Incredible Journey, and a Little Girl’s Faith.