Dan Goodwin


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    “Within the chapters of this book I will show you that Jesus started a Baptist church with the 12 Apostles. You will learn that Jesus started a visible, local church made up of saved, baptized believers. You will learn that there is no such thing as a universal, invisible church taught in the Bible. You will see the difference between being “in Christ” and “in the body.” You will also learn the origin of many of the denominations we have in our day, and why they are not true New Testament churches.”

    – Evangelist Dan Goodwin, author.

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    Questions like, Is there a God and can I know him? Does hell have literal fire? Why did God allow the 9-11 terrorist attacks? Why do bad things sometimes happen to good people? and more. These are good for the new Christian, as well as challenging to the mature Christian.

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    This book is written to be a concise book of Bible Prophecy Terminology. It is practical and helpful. Want a quick resource for understanding the terms used in prophecy? This the the book. Handy and helpful.