Curtis Hutson



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  • $14.95

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    The Bible plan is for fathers to lead spiritually, financially, physically, and emotionally in the home. The father’s role is explained and detailed in clear measure. Here you will see a picture painted of a dad as God intended him to be seen. God expects men to lead; this book will help show you how to do so.

    Hardcover 249 Pages
    By Curtis Hutson

  • $14.95

    2 in stock


    During His earthly ministry, Jesus gave but one description of Heaven-in John 14. Yet He spoke of Hell on no fewer than fourteen occasions. In this book you will find a literal Hell where literal fire torments the damned for a literal eternity. You will also find the way of escape God has prepared, and you will be burdened to warn others of the frightening reality of coming judgment.

    Hardcover 249 Pages
    By Curtis Hutson

  • $14.95

    1 in stock

    Great messages on patriotism by a group of mighty men of the past and present.

  • $14.95

    1 in stock

    What is the measure of a man’s ministry?–his faithfulness? the geographical extent his ministry covers? Can a man’s ministry be measured? Yes, it can. Never was there such a compassionate soul winner as Jesus. How Paul wept over sinners! D. L. Moody may well have been the greatest soul winner and evangelist of all time. He was sold out to soul winning.

    Hardcover 254 Pages

    By Curtis Hutson

  • $4.45

    2 in stock

    Here are ten chapters with ample suggestions and illustrations so any motivated pastor can follow this “recipe” for church growth.

  • $5.95

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    Organized carefully by subject, this book is a valuable resource for any speaker. The art of brevity has been lost to the information age. Jesus Christ knew this art. He communicated powerful ideas with few words and lasting results. Many of His one sentence answers have kept people talking for 2,000 years. This volume is a compilation of ideas, principles and biblical truths stated in memorable ways that will let you communicate big ideas with a simple punch line.

    Paperback 154 Pages
    By Curtis Hutson

  • $9.95

    2 in stock

    Take a few minutes and let Dr. Hutson share with you “Some Things I’ve Learned.”

  • $6.00

    41 in stock (can be backordered)

    “Things That Are Different Are Not The Same” by Dr. Curtis Hutson preaching CD. This classic message by this well known fundamental preacher will challenge and encourage you.

    Fundamental Voices is a line of preaching CDs of great fundamental preachers. Every CD is professionally produced from original masters that were professionally recorded. Each CD is housed in a protective plastic case with informative cover and shrink wrapped.

  • $3.95

    4 in stock

    This interesting study of the lives and personalities of the twelve men Jesus chose to carry His message into all the world reveals what any of us could do if fully surrendered to God. The lesson format makes this book easily adaptable for use as a series of Sunday school lessons.

    Paperback 60 Pages

    By Curtis Hutson

  • $1.95

    6 in stock (can be backordered)

    Soulwinning is God’s Command. This is a classic
    book by Dr. Curtis Hutson to help you become the
    witness for Christ that you should be.