Cathy Corle



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    “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety” 1 Timothy 2:9A

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    The is volume nineteen in the FUNDamentals for Kids series. Timmy learns that the Bible is a light to our path.

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    A story about choosing the right friends.

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    A book of principles and thoughts that will be an encouragement to your heart as you seek to serve Jesus Christ.

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    25 in stock

    Jesus has made an offer that I cannot afford to refuse.

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    No Matter how successful you are at living for God in other areas, if the devil can destroy yours relationships, then he can destroy your life.

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    Volume eight in the Fundamentals for Kids series.  This book teaches children how to witness to their friends.

  • $7.95

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    There is a great need for Godly ladies today. This booklet is filled with many principles taught in God’s Word concerning exactly what God wants a Christian lady to be. Proverbs 31 gives us those guidelines. A must read for every Christian lady.

    80 Pages

    By Cathy Corle

  • $6.95

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    Volume 6 in the FUNdamentals for Kids Series.  In this story, Susan learns to be thankful.

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    The most important job and purpose for a lady is doing what God created her to do, being a wife and mother.

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    An impossibility is simply a platform from which God can work a miracle. God didn’t ask me to be great, just proclaim His greatness. I don’t need any special powers; I just need to be a pipeline for His power. I don’t need to be anything but available. When self is surrendered to the Savior, any my insufficiency is swallowed up in His all-sufficiency, then the miraculous can take place and God can do His life-changing work– even through me.

    Paperback 171 pages.
    By Cathy Corle

  • $6.95

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    A thorough, Biblical discussion of Scriptural dress standards, written by a lady for ladies, which answers the questions everyone seems to ask.

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    A book for ladies who seek to serve the Lord. Filled with practical insights on how the Christian life coincides with everyday life for a Bible-believing woman. If you’re in need of a little encouragement or maybe even a little push in the right direction, then this book is for you.
    82 pages
    By Cathy Corle

  • $6.95

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    Fundamentals For Kids Volume 3. Amusing, entertaining, colorful characters teach your children honor and obedience for Mom published by Revival Fires and written by Mrs Cathy Corle. Full Color
    16 pages