Bible Study Books


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  • $7.95

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    A book for ladies who seek to serve the Lord.

  • $20.00

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    This book, for the Bible student’s reference library and for use in the seminary classroom, fills a serious gap in the literature of biblical interpretation.

  • Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $9.95.

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    A topical textbook of the Bible is one of the chief requisites of all Christian workers along side a good Bible Dictionary

  • $8.95

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    Straightforward, Scriptural, and sometimes shocking, The Teenage Years of Jesus Christ is a must read for any Christian who longs to please the Lord with his life.

    Jerry Ross

  • $6.95

    1 in stock

    A Bible study aid for preacher or layman, professor or student, seasoned saint or new believer.

  • $6.29

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    In this classic exploration of the Scriptures, Andrew Murray leads the reader to a complete understanding of the significance and reality of the power of the shed blood of Christ.
    Astounding results can take place in your life once you have learned about the power of the blood of Jesus and come to understand how to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. This mighty weapon of spiritual warfare holds the secret to a victorious life.

  • $4.95

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    Help new converts grow spiritually!

  • $9.99

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    Johnston includes an insightful presentation of the accuracy of scriptural numerics, the perfection of the Son of God in numerical ways, and a chapter on deepening your own private study of this subject. The reader will find profit as well as inspiration from this intriguing study.

  • $5.35

    2 in stock

    The lovely Mrs. Frances Hoffman has picked “flowers” out of her life and given them to us to enjoy with her. Allow the fragrances to charm you, the beauty to entice you to meditate on Christ.

  • $12.00

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    Dr. Rice gives proper answers to questions about church organization, the independent church structure, and missionary emphasis for the church. Above all, he exalts the power of Spirit-fullness for service and exhorts every believer to realize that

  • $11.95

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    This book is designed to help you reach your potential in what God would have you to do and what He would have you to be.

  • $8.99

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    What are we to be doing until the return of Christ? Sunrise indicates the Biblical conception of what the second advent of our Lord will be. We are not looking for the Star in the east, but for the Sun of Righteousness to arise.

  • $8.99

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scriptures are used to unveil Christ and to show Him as our only Savior, our only hope, our only message. Christ is clearly and constantly unveiled as God’s only remedy for men’s needs.

  • $8.99

    4 in stock

    Discover the most effective role model for discipleship, as seen in Mark’s gospel.

  • $8.99

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    As children, we were taught that parables are earthly stories with a heavenly meaning and that Jesus through His use of parables showed He was the best story-teller of all time. Every parable in these pages is designed to point people to Him. Inspirational writings to encourage and uplift the heart.

  • $8.09

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book looks at key milestones in the life of Christ, along with their crucial relevance and meaning for us today. When we view the life of Jesus Christ, we can only conclude that God has visited his people.

  • $10.79

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    A study in the book of Revelation. Book Available in Limited Quantities

  • $8.99

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    Meditations on the 23rd Psalm.
    David has had his share of trial and trouble–deep, poignant, tragic. But through all the changes of his career he had found God protected him and provided for him. He had found God’s kindness and love never failed. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”

  • $9.89

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    The servant songs are presented to us in language that has been described as some of the most beautiful poetry in Hebrew language. The songs are so clearly messianic it is not difficult to see their reference to the Lord Jesus Christ, and their fulfillment in Him.

  • $29.95

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    The Teacher’s Packet includes the full-length book, the Teacher’s Guide, and a Study Guide. Each Teacher’s Guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log on to and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.

  • $5.99

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    An easy-to-follow, practical and inspiring guide to Bible study which beginners and scholars alike will find refreshing and useful. In eight concise, powerful chapters, Torrey invites us far beyond mere intellectual exercise toward a deeper love and spiritual hunger for the living Word of God.

  • $11.95

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    God created and established the work ethic in the garden of Eden. But to all too many people, the word work is a dirty, four-letter word. They look at it like a cuss word. They disdain the word "work." Yet the work ethic is what has made America great.

  • $7.95

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    There is a great need for Godly ladies today. This booklet is filled with many principles taught in God’s Word concerning exactly what God wants a Christian lady to be. Proverbs 31 gives us those guidelines. A must read for every Christian lady.

  • $10.00

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    The American culture is in a distress of its own making. The great problems that come from an undisciplined people wind up on the pastor’s door step.
    The Bible is the way of salvation, but also a great source of direction for everyday living.

  • $11.95

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    “And beside this, giving all dilligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.” – II Peter 1:5-8

  • $15.00

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    “Devotions in ten minutes a day.” This is a six week daily Bible study. Learn how to have peace with God, self, family, others, circumstances, & authorities in ten minutes a day.

  • $95.00

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    Bible Essentials provides you with powerful tools to unlock the most essential part of the Bible… God’s Word.

  • $20.00

    11 in stock (can be backordered)

    This refreshing book contains principles for lasting joy, especially for ladies. This book contains 10 units of revitalizing truths, including a unit written specifically for preachers’ kids.

  • $6.95

    6 in stock (can be backordered)

    In a clear, easily understood style, the Jew first principle is described.

  • $29.95

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    The message of Ecclesiastes. Materials included in this 13-week series: (1) Reading Material-a full-length book for Sunday School teachers to read to prepare for each lesson (2) The Teacher’s Guide is a beautiful three-ring notebook that contains valuable information to assist in preparation and presentation to class (3) The Student Handbook