Dr. Hugh Pyle



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  • $12.95

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    This “Pastor’s Success Handbook”; was written by a preacher with 29 successful years’s experience in the pastorate and many effective years since then in the field of evangelism. Here are simple steps to better crowds, bigger offerings, more results, happier relationships with people, greater revivals and a more effective ministry. These are chapters dealing with many practical things that are not taught in many Bible schools and seminaries–a common sense approach to the challenges and problems of the ministry. While written mainly with the pastor in mind, it will be of practical help to evangelists, missionaries, staff workers and all who seek the Lord successfully.

    Paperback 382 Pages
    By Hugh Pyle

  • $9.95

    5 in stock

    What does the Bible say?

  • $4.95

    3 in stock

    Describing in simple terms the errors of the modern sect that boldly claims to be the one true church. How does it stand up in the light of the Bible?

    Paperback 99 Pages
    By Hugh Pyle

  • $4.95

    2 in stock

    Dr. Pyle addresses this subject that not too many people wish to discuss, including in his message the different styles of music: rock, soft rock, country and religious rock.

  • $0.75

    2 in stock

    “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6

  • $4.95

    3 in stock

    Dr. Pyle brings the book of Revelation to life in the chapters of The Joy of the Second Coming. Read it, and then share its message of JOY with others.

  • $0.60

    4 in stock

    It’s a tough job to raise Christian children in the sexually oriented culture of our day. This booklet will help you find God’s way to take the actions necessary to be a successful parent.

  • $0.60

    17 in stock

    In this brief booklet Dr. Pyle gives the Bible-based principles for keeping the honey in the honeymoon.

  • $0.60

    6 in stock

    Written for the teenager.

  • $1.95

    4 in stock

    This book explains a mother’s role in the life of her child.