Dean M. Weaver
25 in stock (can be backordered)
A Thorough study of Typology in the Tabernacle and wonderfully illustrated.
Dean M Weaver8 1/2 X 11 Paperback 204 with illustrationsBookstores, colleges and churches contact us for volume pricing which is available for 10 or more copies. Email us at [email protected]$22.95
10 in stock (can be backordered)
The Duty In Deuteronomy Volume 1 – an outstanding Alliterated Commentary volume on the book of DEUTERONOMY Chapters 1-17.
We think this is one of the best commentary volumes available on this book.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback Commentary
18 in stock (can be backordered)
Exodus commentary in alliterated style in Bible Student’s Notebook of Expository Outlines.
Dean M. Weaver
8 1/2 X 11 Paperback 132 pages
10 in stock (can be backordered)
The Duty In Deuteronomy – Outstanding Alliterated Commentary in Two (2) volume set on the book of DEUTERONOMY.
We think one of the best commentary sets available on this book.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback Commentary
9 in stock (can be backordered)
The Duty In Deuteronomy Volume 2 – an outstanding Alliterated Commentary volume on the book of DEUTERONOMY Chapters 18-34.
We think this is one of the best commentary volumes available on this book.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback Commentary
5 in stock
The Duty In Deuteronomy: Test & Answer Key
1,530 Self testing questions on all 34 chapters of the book of Deuteronomy. 45 for each chapter with an equal mixture of multiple choice, true-false and matching questions with an answer key to accompany the outstanding 2 volume commentary set on the book of Deuteronomy.
Dean M Weaver
Attractively bound in a spiral 8 1/2 X 11 format
19 in stock
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you great thought and insight. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
Dr. Weaver spent 8 years writing the entire commentary on Luke. It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary. It is an essential addition to any library.
Special price – These 4 volumes normally sell for $19.95 each totaling $79.80. we are offering the last available sets in print for $65.00!
Limited sets available!
Dean M. Weaver
Four Paperback volumes
12 in stock (can be backordered)
Learning about Our Lord through Luke Commentary Volume 1 – Full of alliteration to aid in preaching, teaching or general studies.
Dean M Weaver
7 in stock (can be backordered)
Learning About Our Lord Through Luke Volume 2: Chapters 7-12 Alliterate expository outlines of the book of Luke
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
Dr. Weaver spent 8 years writing the entire commentary on Luke. It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean Weaver
Paperback Commentary
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Learning About Our Lord Through Luke Commentary Volume 3: Chapters 13-18 Alliterate expository outlines of the book of Luke with commentary
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
Dr. Weaver spent 8 years writing the entire commentary on Luke. It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean Weaver
Paperback Commentar
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Learning About Our Lord Through Luke Commentary Volume 4: Chapters 19-24 Alliterate expository outlines of the book of Luke with commentary
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
Dr. Weaver spent 8 years writing the entire commentary on Luke. It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean Weaver
Paperback Commentary
16 in stock (can be backordered)
Alliterate Expository Outline on the book of ACTS
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful comments. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback 99 pages
8 in stock (can be backordered)
The Sermon On The Mount alliterated expository outlines On Matthew 5-7
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful comments. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M Weaver
Booklet 27 pages
20 in stock (can be backordered)
The Counsel Of Christ To The Churches – Alliterated outline and an abbreviated exposition of Revelation 2:1 to Revelation 3:22
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary on Revelation 2:1 to Revelation 3:22 in Scripture. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean Weaver
29 in stock (can be backordered)
The Message of Malachi … Alliterated Expository Outlines on the book of Malachi.
Except for an occasional message on tithing the book of Malachi is a neglected book. Dean Weaver preached through the book on Sunday evening services. Malachi is a powerful and penetrating book on the religious practices that almost seem like he is writing about present situations.
If you enjoy the alliteration of John G Butler then you will appreciate Dean M Weaver.
Dean M Weaver
Booklet with 24 pages
38 in stock (can be backordered)
A “How To” Hand Book for Good Living -HIGHLY Recommended!
Most people have their own definition of a good man. This book has tried to let the Bible define him.
The study of a good man provides a pattern to become like him. Therefore, the alternate title is “A “How To” Hand Book for Good Living“
Dean M. Weaver
Paperback 274 pages
4 in stock (can be backordered)
A Journal About Jesus From John – Beholding and Believing in the Only Begotten – 36 Outlines from 21 chapters in the book of John.
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful comments. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback 158 pages
12 in stock (can be backordered)
Acquainting Ourselves with the Apostles is an outstanding alliterated exposition of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus.
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful comments. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback 93 pages
19 in stock (can be backordered)
Little Words about Great Things – Ten Expository messages on things called GREAT in the Bible. Preaching is no more than little words about great things.
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary on little words in Scripture. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean Weaver
Paperback 100 pages
8 in stock (can be backordered)
Alliterate Expository Outlines of Paul’s Second Letter to the Church at Corinth.
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
Dr. Weaver spent many years developing these. It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M. Weaver
Paperback 59 pages
12 in stock (can be backordered)
The Ministry and the Miraculous, The Feeding of the Five Thousand Alliterated throughout.
Dean M. Weaver
Paperback 119 pages