Baptist Heroes: Shubal Stearns Vol 3


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Shubal Stearns, the Apostle Paul to the back country

Author: Ted Alexander

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Categories: SKU: 17809
Weight 32 oz


Shubal Stearns was saved under the preacher of George Whitefield and soon chose to serve God with all of his heart.  He formed a Baptist Church in Tolland, CT, but shortly took a group to the wilderness of Virginia and then to NC to preach the gospel.  Voted as pastor of the Separate Baptist Church in Sandy Creek, North Carolina, the church grew from 16 to over 600 in its first two years.  They began sending out ministers at unprecedented speed.  Churches were birthed for hundreds of miles around and a great revival began.

Author: Ted Alexander

21 pages – Booklet

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Weight 32 oz

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